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Название: Neurocognitive functions as an indicator of subjective adaptation to involutionary processes
Авторы: Dorogina, O. I.
Khlystova, E. V.
Burmistrova, J. V.
Дата публикации: 2020
Издатель: Ural University Press
Библиографическое описание: Dorogina O. I. Neurocognitive functions as an indicator of subjective adaptation to involutionary processes / O. I. Dorogina, E. V. Khlystova, J. V. Burmistrova. — DOI 10.15826/B978-5-7996-3073-7.8. — Text: electronic // 2nd International Neuropsychological Summer School named after A. R. Luria “The World After the Pandemic: Challenges and Prospects for Neuroscience”: Proceedings of Science School (Ekaterinburg, August 20–22, 2020). — Ekaterinburg : Ural University Press, 2020. — P. 27-29.
Аннотация: This neuropsychological study focuses on cognitive correlates of a successful process of adaptation to involutional processes. We examined 94 elderly people without pronounced cognitive impairments. It was shown that adaptation positively correlates with cognitive functions and negatively with comorbidity; the most significant predictors of successful adaptation to involutional processes are semantic memory and the rate of anticipatory processes.
Ключевые слова: ADAPTATION
URI: http://elar.urfu.ru/handle/10995/92801
Конференция/семинар: 2nd International Neuropsychological Summer School named after A. R. Luria “The World After the Pandemic: Challenges and Prospects for Neuroscience”
Дата конференции/семинара: 20.80.2020-22.08.2020
ISBN: 978‑5‑7996-3073-7
DOI: 10.15826/B978-5-7996-3073-7.8
Источники: 2nd International Neuropsychological Summer School named after A. R. Luria “The World After the Pandemic: Challenges and Prospects for Neuroscience”. — Ekaterinburg, 2020
Располагается в коллекциях:Конференции, семинары

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