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Title: Межотраслевые территориальные инновационные сети
Other Titles: Cross-industry spatially localized innovation networks
Authors: Karlik, A. E.
Platonov, V. V.
Карлик, А. Е.
Платонов, В. В.
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Институт экономики Уральского отделения РАН
Citation: Карлик А. Е. Межотраслевые территориальные инновационные сети / А. Е. Карлик, В. В. Платонов. – DOI 10.17059/2016-4-22. – Текст : электронный // Экономика региона. — 2016. — Том 12, выпуск 4. — С. 1218-1232.
Abstract: This article's objective is to develop conceptual approach to the study of key decision-making factors of cross-industry spatially localized innovation networks regularities by the application of quantitative and qualitative data of St. Petersburg Innovation and Technology Cluster of Machinery Manufacturing and Metalworking. The paper is based on the previous research findings which conclude that such networks have a set of opportunities and constraints for innovation. The hypothesis is that in the clusters, representing a special type of these networks, the spatial proximity partly offsets the negative impact of industrial distance. The authors propose a structural and logical model of strategic decision-making to analyze these effects on innovation. They specify network's influences on performance: cognitive diversity; knowledge and expertise; structural autonomy and equivalence. The model is applied to spatially localized cross-industry cluster and then improved in accordance with the obtained results for accounting resource flows. It allowed to take into account the dynamics of innovation activity and to develop the practical implications in the particular business context. The analysis identified the peculiarities of spatially localized crossindustry innovation cooperation in perspective of the combinations of tangible resources, information and other intangible resources for the renewal of mature industries. The research results can be used in business as well as in industrial and regional economic policy. In the conclusion, the article outlines future research directions: a comprehensive empirical study with the analysis of data on the factors of cross-industry cooperation which were identified in this paper with testing of causal relations; the developing an approach to the study of spatially localized networks based on the exchange of primary resources in the economic system stability framework. © Copyright 2005-2016 Institute of Economics, the Ural branch of the RAS. All rights reserved.
Представлена разработка концептуального подхода к исследованию ключевых факторов принятия управленческих решений в межотраслевых территориальных инновационных сетях с его апробацией применительно к инновационно-технологическому кластеру машиностроения и металлообработки. Предложена структурно-логическая модель принятия стратегических решений для анализа влияния на результативность инновационной деятельности возможностей и ограничений таких сетей. Выявлены особенности пространственно локализованной межотраслевой инновационной кооперации применительно к комбинированию материальных ресурсов, информации и других нематериальных ресурсов, имеющие особое значение при обновлении традиционных отраслей промышленности.
Keywords: CLUSTERS
Access: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
SCOPUS ID: 85009784080
WOS ID: 000401304600022
ISSN: 2411-1406
DOI: 10.17059/2016-4-22
Origin: Экономика региона. 2016. Том 12, выпуск 4
Appears in Collections:Economy of Regions

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