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Название: | Комплексный инструментарий оценки экономической безопасности отраслей экономики: региональный аспект |
Другие названия: | Comprehensive assessment of industries economic security: Regional aspect |
Авторы: | Akberdina, V. V. Grebenkin, A. V. Smirnova, O. P. Акбердина, В. В. Гребенкин, А. В. Смирнова, О. П. |
Дата публикации: | 2017 |
Издатель: | Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Институт экономики Уральского отделения РАН |
Библиографическое описание: | Акбердина В. В. Комплексный инструментарий оценки экономической безопасности отраслей экономики: региональный аспект / В. В. Акбердина, А. В. Гребенкин, О. П. Смирнова. — DOI 10.17059/2017-4-23. — Текст : электронный // Экономика региона. — 2017. — Том 13, выпуск 4. — С. 1264-1279. |
Аннотация: | The article investigates the interaction of the forms of network integration and the development of complimentary production networks in terms of economic security. Currently, the most developed countries are occurring a transition from the industrial society to the information society. The industry 4.0 as the continuous communication at all levels and characterizes the production processes, in which technologies and devices interact automatically in the value-added chain. Under these new conditions, the former types of organizational structures of economic entities are not sufficiently effective. Therefore, there is a need to create new, modern types of organizational structures. One of these types is network structures. Currently, they are becoming characteristic features of the new economy. Regional economic security depends on internal and external threats, which lead to unstable situations. Regional crisis situations are in uenced by both macroeconomic crisis processes and local features of economic and social development, as well as the resource potential, geographical location, national and other peculiarities. The article defines the specific characteristics of the regions of the Ural Federal District, as well as the current situation of the regional economy and threats to the region. The authors have evaluated the economic security of complimentary production networks at the regional level. This evaluation has revealed the interconnection between complimentary production networks and the construction industry in the national economy. We have defined the economic security of complimentary production networks and specified the concept of complimentary production networks. The research findings may be applied by organizations as a new perspective of industry using network forms related to economic security. Проанализирован понятийный аппарат четвертой индустриальной революции. Представлен состав экономической безопасности сетевых сопряженных производств. Рассмотрены внутренние и внешние индикаторы экономической безопасности сетевых сопряженных производств. Предложена методика с использованием системы индикаторов, которая апробирована на данных сетевых сопряженных производств в строительном комплексе регионов Уральского федерального округа. |
URI: | http://elar.urfu.ru/handle/10995/91396 |
Условия доступа: | info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess |
Идентификатор SCOPUS: | 85040368893 |
Идентификатор WOS: | 000419294600023 |
ISSN: | 2411-1406 2072-6414 |
DOI: | 10.17059/2017-4-23 |
Сведения о поддержке: | The article has been supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant. 16-06-00403 Modeling the motivational potentials of a multi-areas industrial policy in the conditions of new industrialization. |
Источники: | Экономика региона. 2017. Том 13, выпуск 4 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Economy of Regions |
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