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Title: Polarization Reversal by Tip of Scanning Probe Microscope in SBN
Authors: Neradovskaya, E. A.
Neradovskiy, M. M.
Fedorovyh, V. V.
Turygin, A. P.
Shur, V. Ya.
Kholkin, A. L.
Ivleva, I. L.
Шур, В. Я.
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Knowledge E
Citation: Polarization Reversal by Tip of Scanning Probe Microscope in SBN / E. A. Neradovskaya, M. M. Neradovskiy, V. V. Fedorovyh, A. P. Turygin, V. Ya. Shur, A. L. Kholkin, I. L. Ivleva // ASRTU Conference Proceedings : IV Sino-Russian ASRTU Symposium on Advanced Materials and Processing Technology (Ekaterinburg, Russia, 23–26 June 2016). — Dubai : Knowledge E, 2016. — pp. 115-121. — DOI: 10.18502/kms.v1i1.572
Abstract: We present the results of experimental study of the influence of initial domain state on the shape and size of isolated domains created by the conductive tip of scanning probe microscope during local polarization reversal in relaxor ferroelectric strontium barium niobate doped with nickel and cerium. The domain radius was found to increase with increasing voltage and time and depend on the initial polarization direction. Circular domains of the opposite sign were found to appear due to polarization backswitching. The obtained results can be used for practical applications of domain and domain wall engineering in ferroelectrics.
Conference name: IV Sino-Russian ASRTU Symposium on Advanced Materials and Processing Technology
Conference date: 23.06.2016-26.06.2016
WOS ID: WOS:000395106000020
ISSN: 2519-1438
DOI: 10.18502/kms.v1i1.572
metadata.dc.description.sponsorship: The equipment of the UCSU “Modern Nanotechnology”, UrFU has been used. The research was supported by Government of the Russian Federation (Act 211, Agreement 02.A03.21.0006) and the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (grant 16-02-00821-a).
Origin: IV Sino-Russian ASRTU Symposium on Advanced Materials and Processing Technology. — Ekaterinburg, 2016
Appears in Collections:АТУРК

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