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Найденные ресурсы:
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2021Excess mortality in Russian regions during the COVID-19 pandemicMakarova, M. N.; Pyshmintseva, О. А.; Макарова, М. Н.; Пышминцева, О. А.
2020Regional effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and policy responses in HungaryKovács, S. Z.; Koós, B.; Uzzoli, A.; Páger, B.; Egyed, I.; Ковач, Ш. Ж.; Кош, Б.; Уццоли, А.; Пагер, Б.; Едьед, И.
2020The economic resilience of Irish counties for subsequent recessions and the impact of population distribution on resilienceHennebry, B.; Хеннебри, Б.
2020Challenges of small- and medium-sized businesses in Pakistan due to COVID-19 pandemicShah, Ya.; Liu, Yu.; Shah, Faiza; Shah, Fadia; Шах, Я.; Лиу, Ю.; Шах, Фаиза; Шах, Фадиа
2022Scenario forecasting of the socio-economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in Russian regionsNaumov, I. V.; Krasnykh, S. S.; Otmakhova, Yu. S.; Наумов, И. В.; Красных, С. С.; Отмахова, Ю. С.; 诺莫夫, 伊利亚·维克托罗维奇; 克拉斯尼赫, 谢尔盖·谢尔盖耶维奇; 奥特玛哈娃, 尤利娅·谢尔盖耶娃
2020Socio-economic factors in the spread of SARS-COV-2 across Russian regionsSinitsyn, E. V.; Tolmachev, A. V.; Ovchinnikov, A. S.; Синицын, Е. В.; Толмачёв, А. В.; Овчинников, А. С.
2021Prospects of China-Mongolia-Russia trade in the light of the COVID-19 pandemicZhang, X.; Чжан, С.
2020COVID-19 mortality rate in Russian regions: forecasts and realityLifshits, M. L.; Neklyudova, N. P.; Лифшиц, М. Л.; Неклюдова, Н. П.
2022Trade credit promotes industrial growth during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from the textile sector of PakistanShah, F.; Liu, Yu.; Shah, Ya.; Shah, F.; Шах, Ф.; Лиу, Ю.; Шах, Я.; Шах, Ф.; 沙阿法扎; 刘玉民; 沙亚瑟; 沙法迪亚
2020Consequences of the pandemic and new development opportunities for Polish cities in the (post-)COVID-19 eraSzmytkowska, M.; Шмытковска, М.