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Результаты 11-20 из 47.
Найденные ресурсы:
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2016Development of a Methodology for the Economic Assessment of Managerial Decisions as a Factor of Increased Economic SecurityRomanova, O. A.; Strovsky, V. E.
2016Methodological Toolkit for Assessing the Investment Attractiveness of Renewable Resources in Northern and Arctic TerritoriesTatarkin, A. I.; Balashenko, V. V.; Loginov, V. G.; Ignatyeva, M. N.
2016An Integral Evaluation of the Financial State of the Regional EnterprisesKurdzhiev, S. P.; Mambetova, A. A.; Peshkova, E. P.
2016Moscow Metropolis Labour Market Features: the Requirements of Employers and the Quality of Young SpecialistsBobkov, V. N.; Litvinyuk, A. A.; Ledneva, S. A.
2016Problems and Tools for the Detection of Threats to Personnel Security in the RegionKuznetsova,N. V.; Timofeeva, A. Yu.
2016Institutional Analysis of Resource Potential for Knowledge Generation in the Enterprises of the Regional Defense-Industrial SectorPopov, E. V.; Vlasov, M. V.; Shishkina, A. Yu.; Yakimova, A. V.
2016Efficiency of Developing Renewable Energy Market in RussiaGrechukhina, I. A.; Kudryavtseva, O. V.; Yakovleva, E. Yu.
2016Econometric Modeling of Electricity Consumption by Households as a Tool for the Calculating of the Social Consumption NormZaytseva, Yu. V.
2016Urban Agglomerations in the Regional Development: Theoretical, Methodological and Applied AspectsShmidt, А. V.; Antonyuk, V. S.; Francini, А.
2016Export Potential of Russian Pharmaceutical Companies in the Emerging Regional ClustersSapir, Ye. V.; Karachev, I. A.; Zhang, M.