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dc.contributor.authorErastova, D. A.en
dc.contributor.authorЕрастова, Д. А.ru
dc.identifier.citationЕрастова Д. А. Морфологический и филогенетический анализ комплекса нивальных видов рода Diderma / Д. А. Ерастова // Биоразнообразие и экология грибов и грибоподобных организмов Северной Евразии : материалы Всероссийской конференции с международным участием, Екатеринбург, 20−24 апреля 2015 г. — Екатеринбург : Издательство Уральского университета, 2015 — С. 82-85.ru
dc.description.abstractAmong the specific group of nivicolous myxomycetes a complex of nivicolous Diderma species is of an outstanding interest. This complex includes 4–6 species (D. alpinum, D. fallax, D. globosum var. europaeum, D. meyerae, D. microcarpum, D. niveum) with no clear phylogenetic state due to the greate amount of in-between varieties. To elucidate the phylogenetic state of the species and their taxonomic value within the complex a morphological analysis using multi-dimensional non-metric scaling method based on sporocarp and spore characters, as well as molecular analysis based on 18S SSU and tef1alpha partial gene sequences were performed. The morphological analysis based on sporocarp characters points out that five species could be distinguished well: D. alpinum, D. niveum, D. globosum var. europaeum, D. meyerae and D. fallax whereas D. microcarpum forms a continuum with D. alpinum. At the same time the morphological analysis based on spore characters shows only 3 species to be separated: D. globosum var. europaeum, D. fallax и D. meyerae. Interestingly, the molecular analysis reveals the existence of three well supported clades: “D. alpinum“, “D. fallax“and “D. globosum var. europaeum“, whereas the samples of all the other species form a separate clade. This coincides with the obtained data on ribogenotypes within the studied selection. Thus, “1” type matches “D. alpinum“ clade, “3” matches“D. fallax“ clade, “4” matches “D. globosum var. europaeum“ and “2” matches «D. meyerare–D. niveum». These results may lead one to the conclusion that D. meyerae, D. microcarpum and D. niveum taxa are not valid and shall be united in one taxonomical unit. For better understanding of the taxonomical state of the studied species a further investigation on DNA polymorphism and search for molecular fingerprints are needed.en
dc.description.sponsorshipРабота выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ (проекты 10–04–00536a, 13–04–00839a, 12–04–33018 мол_a_вед).ru
dc.publisherИздательство Уральского университетаru
dc.relation.ispartofБиоразнообразие и экология грибов и грибоподобных организмов северной Евразии. — Екатеринбург, 2015ru
dc.titleМорфологический и филогенетический анализ комплекса нивальных видов рода Didermaru
dc.title.alternativeMorphological and phylogenetic analysis of the nivicolous Diderma species complexen
dc.typeConference Paperen
dc.conference.nameВсероссийская конференция с международным участием «Биоразнообразие и экология грибов и грибоподобных организмов Северной Евразии»ru
dc.contributor.subdepartmentДепартамент «Биологический факультет»ru
local.fund.rffi12–04–33018 мол_a_вед-
Располагается в коллекциях:Конференции, семинары

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