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Название: Еще раз о походе легата Мезии Тиберия Платия Сильвана в Таврику
Другие названия: Once more about the campaign of T. Plautius Silvanus, legatus of Moesia, to Taurica
Авторы: Зубарь, В. М.
Zubar, V. M.
Дата публикации: 2003
Издатель: Изд-во Урал. гос. ун-та
Библиографическое описание: Зубарь В. М. Еще раз о походе легата Мезии Тиберия Платия Сильвана в Таврику / В. М. Зубарь // Исседон - ΙΣΣΕΔΩΝ: Альманах по древней истории и культуре. — Екатеринбург : Изд-во Урал. гос. ун-та, 2003. — Т. 2. — С. 155-170.
Zubar V. M. Once more about the campaign of T. Plautius Silvanus, legatus of Moesia, to Taurica / V. M. Zubar // Issedon - ΙΣΣΕΔΩΝ: Almanac of Ancient History and Culture. — Ekaterinburg: The Ural State University Press, 2003. — Vol. 2. — P. 155-170.
Аннотация: At the third quarter of the I c. A. D. foreign political situation of Tauric Chersonesos become complicated because of tributary of Sarmatians to the Crimea peninsula. In that situation town couldn’t inquire with this threat by its own and was forced to ask governor of Moesia province for help. At the answer of ask of Tauric Chersonesos, legatus of province T Plautius Silvanus made resolute actions. As a result «Scythians» tsar was drive away from sieged Tauric Chersonesos which is behind the Borisphenus» (CIL, XIV, ¹ 3608). At the base of the information we have, the time of T. Plautius‘ Silvanus‘ cam¬paign may be referred to the years 63-64 A. D.. After landing operations with a participation of marines from the ships of Ravennas‘ fleet, barbarians, we may say Sarmatians, were crashed and danger for the city was liquidated. Materials, which we have at the present time, give us opportunities for reconstruction of situation. Nomad Sarmatians whose tributary observed at the first half of I c. A. C. until the middle of the century, in a military way subordinated late Scythians. We may see it from destruction on late Scythians hillforts of first quarter - first half of I c. A. C. Than they settled down on this hillforts and together with late Scytians began to threaten to Tauric Chersonesos. The town ask for the help of legatus of Moesia T. Plautius Silvanus. But despite of resolute actions of Roman troops, absence of ancient settlements and hillforts of I c. A. C. in the Southwest and Northwest Taurica give us opportunity to speak about absence of territorial spreading of Chersonesos state. Southwest Taurica as at the previous time was under control of barbarian, mainly Sarmatian population. Possibly that military operations of Romans combined with a negotiations as a result of which were put some peace arrangements. Those arrangements were in general observed until the beginning of the II c. A. C. As an evidence we may say was very active development of economical connections between Tauric Chersonesos population and population of South-West Taurica at the second half of I c. A. C. At the result of T. Plautius‘ Silvanus‘ campaign Tauric Chersonesos strengthened contacts with a Moesias‘ administration and at the second half of I c. stayed in the orbit of Roman policy.
Ключевые слова: ИСТОРИЯ
URI: http://elar.urfu.ru/handle/10995/3662
ISSN: 1683-7037
Источники: Исседон - ΙΣΣΕΔΩΝ: Альманах по древней истории и культуре. 2003. Т. 2.
Issedon - ΙΣΣΕΔΩΝ: Almanac of Ancient History and Culture. 2003. Vol. 2.
Располагается в коллекциях:Исседон : Альманах по древней истории и культуре

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