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Название: Диалектика субъекта и объекта
Другие названия: Dialectical theory of subject and object
Авторы: Любутин, К. Н.
Пивоваров, Д. В.
Lubutin, К. N.
Pivovarov, D. V.
Дата публикации: 1993
Издатель: Уральский государственный университет
Библиографическое описание: Любутин К. Н. Диалектика субъекта и объекта / К. Н. Любутин, Д. В. Пивоваров. — Екатеринбург : Изд-во Урал. ун-та, 1993. — 415 с.
Аннотация: The subject of this book is the historic development of the general conception of Subject and Object, one of the eternal philosophical problems. Several aspects of in teraction among Subject and Object are described. There is an attempt to construct a synthetic conception of Id e a lity through a prism of Hegelian theory of reflection and operationizm of P. W. Bridgeman. The authors formulate a method of description of scientific and philosophical knowledge as whole entities. Lubutin Konstantin Nikolaevich was born in 1935 in Manturovo (Kostromskaya region) and has lived in Ekaterinburg since 1958. He took university degree as a historian of philosophy in Moscow University. Doctor of Philosophy, professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the head of the Chair of History of Philosophy (Urals University). The sphere of his scientific interests: German ciassic Philosophy, the History of Marxist Philosophy, Dialectics of Subject and Object. The author of 15 monographs. Lecturing: special courses (the named topics) and the course of History of Pilosophy for the students of Urals University. Pivovarov Daniil Valentinovich was born in China (Shanghai) to a family of Russian emigrants in 1943 and has lived in Russia (Ekaterinburg) since 1947. He received his philosophical education in Urals University. Doctor of Philosophy, professor, the head of the Chair of History and Philosophy of Religion (Urals University). The sphere of his scientific interests: the operational analysis of knowledge, the theory of Ideality, the system and substrate analysis, Philosophy of Pictorial Art, Philosophy of Religion. He is the author of 10 monographs. Lecturing: special courses (the named topics) and a course of synoptical Philosophy for the students of Urals University. He was a visiting professor of University of Cambridge (England, 1978—79) and Northwestern University (USA, 1989).
К числу вечных проблем философии принадлежит проблема «человек — мир», «субъект — объект». Авторы монографии разработали свой вариант синтеза основных альтернативных концепций гносеологического взаимодействия субъекта и объекта. Теория рефлексии Гегеля и операционализм П. Бриджмена позволяют обнаружить «субстанцию» идеального образа в системе операций субъекта с объектом и сформулировать метод описания целостности научного и философского знания. Книга адресована специалистам-философам.
URI: http://elar.urfu.ru/handle/10995/26458
ISBN: 5-7525-0287-X
Располагается в коллекциях:Публикации сотрудников

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