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Title: Ареальная дистрибуция -l-овой топонимической модели на территории Карелии
Authors: Карлова, О. Л.
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Издательство Уральского университета
Citation: Карлова О. Л. Ареальная дистрибуция -l-овой топонимической модели на территории Карелии / О. Л. Карлова // Вопросы ономастики. — 2007. — № 4. — С. 34-44.
Abstract: The analyzed in the research paper l-type model is the most informative among suffixal oikonymal models. The detection of areals, distribution and functioning features of the model serve as the source for Karelia colonization history study. The oikonymy analysis of anthroponymic origin against the general background of Karelian oikonymy convincingly testifies that l-type names are assigned to the oldest Karelian communities (settlements) with earlier origin. The maximum density areal of the l-type oikonyms coincides with the nest settlement areal which comes into being in agrarian land development and reaches the maximum concentration in regions with more favorable farming climatic conditions (Olonetzk Karelia). The full-fledged settlement nests are also discovered in Segozer’je (Middle Karelia) and in the northern Karelia (Kalevala and Kesten’ga) where he “bursting” nature of Karelian migration of the 17th century decisively influenced on the settlement net development level.
Keywords: ОЙКОНИМЫ
Origin: Вопросы ономастики. 2007. № 4.
Appears in Collections:Вопросы ономастики

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