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Title: Influence of corporate culture on innovative activity of employees of the enterprises
Authors: Belkin, V. N.
Belkina, N. A.
Antonova, O. A.
Luzin, N. A.
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Институт экономики Уральского отделения РАН
Citation: Influence of corporate culture on innovative activity of employees of the enterprises / V. N. Belkin, N. A. Belkina, O. A. Antonova, N. A. Luzin // Economy of Region. — 2014. — Iss. 1. — P. 184-195.
Abstract: In the article, the ways of influence of corporate culture on innovative activity of staff of enterprises are considered. The authors understand the corporate culture of the enterprise as the system of cultural, moral, esthetic and other wealth, which is used and introduced in labor life of employees by employers and CEO. On the basis of this system, the enterprise norms and rules of the relations of workers, customs, traditions etc. are developed. The corporate culture of the enterprise is connected with the general culture of the people of the country, it reflects on this or that form, to some extent, but it can contradict it. In this case, the conflict of cultural values of the enterprise and workers is possible. In the article, much attention is paid to influence of corporate culture of Japanese corporations on innovative activity of their workers. It is shown that high innovative activity of the personnel is provided not with separate systems of material and moral incentive, but with all system of the labor relations built on the basis of corporate culture. In the center of corporate culture, there is a person, instead of goods and services. It can be found in such systems of work with staff as “lifelong hiring”, account system in a salary of “vital peaks” of employees, staff turnover, training at the workplace etc. The corporate culture of Toyota corporation is based on the business philosophy, according to which, the main socio-economic purpose is the ensuring the welfare of its employees and improvement of life of the population of the whole world. In the article is shown that in the conditions of transition of the Russian Federation to the market economy, there were basic changes in corporate culture of the enterprises. Market business-culture according to which the main thing for the enterprise is profit, and workers are only one of means of production, was included in a contradiction with a mentality of the Russian people, its cultural and moral wealth that caused mass opportunistic behavior of workers including their innovative passivity. At the same time, in the article is shown that in these conditions, the high innovative activity of employees of the Russian enterprises on the basis of introduction of stimulation system of innovative activity of employees “Innovation” is possible. In the article, the mechanism of the increase of innovative activity of staff of the enterprises on the basis of corporate culture is offered.
Access: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
SCOPUS ID: 84979835602
ISSN: 2411-1406
DOI: 10.17059/2014-1-17
Origin: Экономика региона. 2014. Выпуск 1
Appears in Collections:Economy of Regions

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