Просмотр коллекции по группе - По тематике SURFACE REACTIONS
Отображение результатов 1 до 9 из 9
Дата публикации | Название | Авторы |
2021 | Chemical reactions on surfaces for applications in catalysis, gas sensing, adsorption-assisted desalination and Li-ion batteries: opportunities and challenges for surface science | Boukhvalov, D. W.; Paolucci, V.; D’Olimpio, G.; Cantalini, C.; Politano, A. |
2023 | Disentangling UV photodesorption and photoconversion rates of H2O ice at 20 K: Measured with laser desorption post ionization mass spectrometry | Bulak, M.; Paardekooper, D. M.; Fedoseev, G.; Samarth, P.; Linnartz, H. |
2020 | From nucleation and coarsening to coalescence in metastable liquids | Alexandrov, D. V.; Alexandrova, I. V. |
2021 | Kinetics Study of Al Extraction from Desilicated Coal Fly Ash by NaOH at Atmospheric Pressure | Shoppert, A.; Loginova, I.; Valeev, D. |
2013 | Mathematical model on surface reaction diffusion in the presence of front chemical reaction | Permikin, D. V.; Zverev, V. S. |
2023 | Modelling deuterated isotopologues of methanol towards the pre-stellar core L1544 | Riedel, W.; Sipilä, O.; Redaelli, E.; Caselli, P.; Vasyunin, A. I.; Dulieu, F.; Watanabe, N. |
2023 | A platinum ensemble catalyst for room-temperature removal of formaldehyde in the air | Vikrant, K.; Chung, M. W.; Boukhvalov, D. W.; Heynderickx, P. M.; Kim, K. -H.; Weon, S. |
2016 | Surface reactions with participation of oxides of molybdenum and tungsten: the influence of external factors | Guseva, A. F.; Trifonova, M. V.; Pestereva, N. N. |
2016 | Поверхностные реакции с участием оксидов молибдена и вольфрама: влияние внешних факторов | Гусева, А. Ф.; Трифонова, М. В.; Пестерева, Н. Н., |