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Showing results 1 to 20 of 146  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023A 4500-Year Tree-Ring Record of Extreme Climatic Events on the Yamal PeninsulaHantemirov, R.; Gorlanova, L.; Bessonova, V.; Hamzin, I.; Kukarskih, V.
2019Advance management education for power-engineering and industry of the futureGitelman, L.; Kozhevnikov, M.; Ryzhuk, O.
2009Age-Related Differences in Reaction Time Task Performance in Young ChildrenKiselev, S.; Espy, K. A.; Sheffield, T.
2019Analysis of Interdependence of Arctic Critical Infrastructures as Transportation NetworksTimashev, S. A.; Bushinskaya, A. V.
2017Assessment of tax burden on the ownership and use of road passenger transport in RussiaMayburov, I.; Leontyeva, Y.
2013Chelyabinsk airburst, damage assessment, meteorite recovery, and characterizationPopova, O. P.; Jenniskens, P.; Emel'yanenko, V.; Kartashova, A.; Biryukov, E.; Khaibrakhmanov, S.; Shuvalov, V.; Rybnov, Y.; Dudorov, A.; Grokhovsky, V. I.; Badyukov, D. D.; Yin, Q.-Z.; Gural, P. S.; Albers, J.; Granvik, M.; Evers, L. G.; Kuiper, J.; Kharlamov, V.; Solovyov, A.; Rusakov, Y. S.; Korotkiy, S.; Serdyuk, I.; Korochantsev, A. V.; Larionov, M. Yu.; Glazachev, D.; Mayer, A. E.; Gisler, G.; Gladkovsky, S. V.; Wimpenny, J.; Sanborn, M. E.; Yamakawa, A.; Verosub, K. L.; Rowland, D. J.; Roeske, S.; Botto, N. W.; Friedrich, J. M.; Zolensky, M. E.; Le, L.; Ross, D.; Ziegler, K.; Nakamura, T.; Ahn, I.; Lee, J. I.; Zhou, Q.; Li, X.-H.; Li, Q.-L.; Liu, Y.; Tang, G.-Q.; Hiroi, T.; Sears, D.; Weinstein, I. A.; Vokhmintsev, A. S.; Ishchenko, A. V.; Schmitt-Kopplin, P.; Hertkorn, N.; Nagao, K.; Haba, M. K.; Komatsu, M.; Mikouchi, T.
2019Chronotype, social jetlag, and time perspectiveBorisenkov, M. F.; Vetosheva, V. I.; Kuznetsova, Y. S.; Khodyrev, G. N.; Shikhova, A. V.; Popov, S. V.; Pechеrkina, A. A.; Dorogina, O. I.; Symaniuk, E. E.
2018Classification of Russian cities by levels of road traffic safety: Specifics of required management decisionsPetrov, A.; Petrova, D.
2013Comparative analysis of hemoglobin content in four species of anurans from the Ural uplandsVershinin, V. L.; Vershinina, S. D.
2020A comparative study of Epipactis atrorubens in two different forest communities of the Middle Urals, RussiaFilimonova, E.; Lukina, N.; Glazyrina, M.; Borisova, G.; Tripti; Kumar, A.; Maleva, M.
2015A concept of transition to the best available technology as a basis for sustainable development of power industryBerezyuk, M.; Rumyantseva, A.
2014Contribution to the knowledge of the Genus Caloplaca in central European RussiaMuchnik, E.; Wilk, K.; Vondrák, J.; Frolov, I.
2022Current Siberian heating is unprecedented during the past seven millenniaHantemirov, R. M.; Corona, C.; Guillet, S.; Shiyatov, S. G.; Stoffel, M.; Osborn, T. J.; Melvin, T. M.; Gorlanova, L. A.; Kukarskih, V. V.; Surkov, A. Y.; von Arx, G.; Fonti, P.
2021Design of a Business Process in the Field of HRM "corporate Training" for the Company "100 Tonn Montaz", Yekaterinburg, Russian FederationLysenko, E.; Shporteeva, E.
2014The development of an ecological-economic substantiation algorithm for BAT selection for enterprises within the power industryBerezyuk, M.; Rumyantseva, A.; Merzlikina, J.; Makarova, D.
2018The differentiated assessment of damage to economy of subjects of the Siberian Federal District from road and transport accident ratePetrov, A. I.; Svistunova, V. A.; Petrova, D. A.
2023Ecological Culture and Critical Thinking: Building of a Sustainable FutureShutaleva, A.
2019The effects of edaphic and climatic factors on secondary lichen chemistry: A case study using saxicolous lichensPaukov, A.; Teptina, A.; Morozova, M.; Kruglova, E.; Favero-Longo, S. E.; Bishop, C.; Rajakaruna, N.
2019Employment of Students as a Factor of the Development of Human CapitalBannykh, G.; Myltasova, O.; Tikhomirova, A.
2014Energy problems of the rational use of the economic potential of the regionDanilov, N.; Silin, V.; Dobrodey, V.; Popov, V.