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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Analysis and characterization of opto-electronic properties of iron oxide (Fe2O3) with transition metals (Co, Ni) for the use in the photodetector applicationSaleem, S.; Ashiq, M. N.; Manzoor, S.; Ali, U.; Liaqat, R.; Algahtani, A.; Mujtaba, S.; Tirth, V.; Alsuhaibani, A. M.; Refat, M. S.; Ali, A.; Aslam, M.; Zaman, A.
2023Au-Hyperdoped Si Nanolayer: Laser Processing Techniques and Corresponding Material PropertiesKovalev, M.; Nastulyavichus, A.; Podlesnykh, I.; Stsepuro, N.; Pryakhina, V.; Greshnyakov, E.; Serdobintsev, A.; Gritsenko, I.; Khmelnitskii, R.; Kudryashov, S.
2022Binary contributions of Dy3+ ions on the mechanical and radiation resistance properties of oxyfluoroborotellurite Dyx-glassesRammah, Y. S.; Issa, S. A. M.; Tekin, H. O.; Badawi, A.; Ene, A.; Zakaly, H. M. H.
2021Cadmium oxide reinforced 46V2O5–46P2O5–(8−x)B2O3–xCdO semiconducting oxide glasses and resistance behaviors against ionizing gamma raysTekin, H. O.; Issa, S. A. M.; Kilic, G.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Badawi, A.; Bilal, G.; Sidek, H. A. A.; Matori, K. A.; Zaid, M. H. M.
2022Complete conversion between one and two photons in nonlinear waveguides: Theory of dispersion engineeringSolntsev, A. S.; Batalov, S. V.; Langford, N. K.; Sukhorukov, A. A.
2017Defect concentration in nitrogen-doped graphene grown on Cu substrate: A thickness effectSharma, D. K.; Fateixa, S.; Hortigüela, M. J.; Vidyasagar, R.; Otero-Irurueta, G.; Nogueira, H. I. S.; Singh, M. K.; Kholkin, A.
2023Disentangling UV photodesorption and photoconversion rates of H2O ice at 20 K: Measured with laser desorption post ionization mass spectrometryBulak, M.; Paardekooper, D. M.; Fedoseev, G.; Samarth, P.; Linnartz, H.
2019Effect of the sintering aids on optical and luminescence properties of Ce:YAG ceramicsLukyashin, K. E.; Ishchenko, A. V.; Shitov, V. A.; Shevelev, V. S.; Victorov, L. V.
2018Effects of Ar+ etching of Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films: An x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and photoluminescence studyYakushev, M. V.; Sulimov, M. A.; Skidchenko, E.; Márquez-Prieto, J.; Forbes, I.; Edwards, P. R.; Kuznetsov, M. V.; Zhivulko, V. D.; Borodavchenko, O. M.; Mudryi, A. V.; Krustok, J.; Martin, R. W.
2016The electronic structure formation of CuxTiSe2 in a wide range (0.04 < x < 0.8) of copper concentrationShkvarin, A. S.; Yarmoshenko, Y. M.; Yablonskikh, M. V.; Merentsov, A. I.; Shkvarina, E. G.; Titov, A. A.; Zhukov, Y. M.; Titov, A. N.
2021Enhancement of Gamma-Ray Shielding Properties in Cobalt-Doped Heavy Metal Borate Glasses: The Role of Lanthanum Oxide ReinforcementAlmisned, G.; Elshami, W.; Issa, S. A. M.; Susoy, G.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Algethami, M.; Rammah, Y. S.; Ene, A.; Al-Ghamdi, S. A.; Ibraheem, A. A.; Tekin, H. O.
2022Evaluation of Photon Interaction Parameters of Some Antioxidants for Food Irradiation ApplicationsKavaz, Yüksel, A.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Ene, A.
2022Fabrication, physical, structure characteristics, neutron and radiation shielding capacity of high-density neodymio-cadmium lead-borate glasses: Nd2O3/CdO/PbO/B2O3/Na2OZakaly, H. M. H.; Tekin, H. O.; Issa, S. A. M.; Henaish, A. M. A.; Ahmed, E. M.; Rammah, Y. S.
2023Gamma-ray shielding analysis using the experimental measurements for copper(ii) sulfate-doped polyepoxide resinsMahmoud, K. A.; Binmujlli, M. M.; Marashdeh, M. W.; Aljaafreh, M. J.; Saleh, A.; Hanfi, M. Y.
2021The Influence of CoO/P2O5 Substitutions on the Structural, Mechanical, and Radiation Shielding of Boro-Phosphate GlassesMostafa, A. M. A.; Uosif, M. A. M.; Alrowaili, Z. A.; Elsaman, R.; Showahy, A. A.; Saddeek, Y. B.; Issa, S. A. M.; Ene, A.; Zakaly, H. M. H.
2021Investigation of Er3+ Ions Reinforced Zinc-Phosphate Glasses for Ionizing Radiation Shielding ApplicationsZakaly, H. M. H.; Ene, A.; Olarinoye, O. I.; Marzouk, S. Y.; Abdel-Hafez, S. H.; Shams, M. S.; Rammah, Y. S.
2011A luminescence Spectroscopy and Theoretical Study of 4f-5d Transitions of Ce3+ Ions in SrAlF5 CrystalsOmelkov, S. I.; Brik, M. G.; Kirm, M.; Pustovarov, V. A.; Kiisk, V.; Sildos, I.; Lange, S.; Lobanov, S. I.; Isaenko, L. I.
2019Microscopic origin of level attraction for a coupled magnon-photon system in a microwave cavityProskurin, I.; Macêdo, R.; Stamps, R. L.
2007The model of the optical switching center and the polarization anomalies in absorption spectra of cupric oxide after fast particles irradiationZenkov, E. V.
2021Multiple characterization of some glassy-alloys as photon and neutron shields: In-silico Monte Carlo investigationPerişanoǧlu, U.; El-Agawany, F. I.; Tekin, H. O.; Kavaz, E.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Issa, S. A. M.; Zaid, M. H. M.; Sidek, H. A. A.; Matori, K. A.; Rammah, Y. S.