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2019The 16th International IUPAC conference on high temperature materials chemistry (July 2-6, 2018, Ekaterinburg, Russia)Sidorov, V. E.; Dubinin, N. E.; Polovov, I. B.; Bykov, A. S.
2020Accretion Bursts in Low-metallicity Protostellar DisksVorobyov, E. I.; Elbakyan, V. G.; Omukai, K.; Hosokawa, T.; Matsukoba, R.; Guedel, M.
2021Adaptive morphophysiological features of neottia ovata (Orchidaceae) contributing to its natural colonization on fly ash depositsMaleva, M.; Borisova, G.; Chukina, N.; Sinenko, O.; Filimonova, E.; Lukina, N.; Glazyrina, M.
2018The analysis of the effect of iron-ore raw material composition on blast-furnace smelting parameters by the mathematical model methodPavlov, A. V.; Onorin, O. P.; Spirin, N. A.; Polinov, A. A.; Lavrov, V. V.; Gurin, I. A.
2020Anodic Dissolution of Non-Ferrous Metals in a Glycerate-Alkali ElectrolyteValnev, V. A.; Lobanov, V. G.; Lubnin, L. A.
2019Anomalously low modulus of the interpenetrating-phase composite of Fe and Mg obtained by liquid metal dealloyingOkulov, I. V.; Geslin, P. -A.; Soldatov, I. V.; Ovri, H.; Joo, S. -H.; Kato, H.
2007Behaviour of rare earth elements in molten salts in relation to pyrochemical reprocessing of spent nuclear fuelsVolkovich, V. A.; Vasin, B. D.; Griffiths, T. R.; Polovov, I. B.; Medvedev, E. O.; Yakimov, S. M.
2015Carbon-free gasoline engine operationMagaril, E.
2022Computational prediction of new magnetic materialsRahmanian, Koshkaki, S.; Allahyari, Z.; Oganov, A. R.; Solozhenko, V. L.; Polovov, I. B.; Belozerov, A. S.; Katanin, A. A.; Anisimov, V. I.; Tikhonov, E. V.; Qian, G. -R.; Maksimtsev, K. V.; Mukhamadeev, A. S.; Chukin, A. V.; Korolev, A. V.; Mushnikov, N. V.; Li, H.
2022Cost Effective Synthesis of Graphene Nanomaterials for Non-Enzymatic Electrochemical Sensors for Glucose: A Comprehensive ReviewBalkourani, G.; Damartzis, T.; Brouzgou, A.; Tsiakaras, P.
2020The Dependence of Actual Laser Cutting Speed on CNC Sheet Equipment on Number of NC Program Commands for Metal Grades 1.0114 and AWAIMg3Petunin, A.; Tavaeva, A.
мар-2021The Development of Technology for Production of Zeolites from Fly-Ash from Troitskaya Power PlantSnegirev, V. A.; Yurk, V. M.
2013Effect of the state of stress on the strain-induced martensite formation in 03Kh14N11K5M2YuT steelMaltseva, L. A.; Loginov, Yu. N.; Maltseva, T. V.; Sharapova, V. A.; Логинов, Ю. Н.; Мальцева, Л. А.; Мальцева, Т. В.; Шарапова, В. А.
2010Electronic Structure and Magnetic State of Transuranium Metals under PressureLukoyanov, A. V.; Shorikov, A. O.; Bystrushkin, V. B.; Dyachenko, A. A.; Kabirova, L. R.; Tsiovkin, Yu. Yu.; Povzner, A. A.; Dremov, V. V.; Korotin, M. A.; Anisimov, V. I.
2010Electronic structure and magnetic state of transuranium metals under pressureLukoyanov, A. V.; Shorikov, A. O.; Bystrushkin, V. B.; Dyachenko, A. A.; Kabirova, L. R.; Tsiovkin, Yu. Yu.; Povzner, A. A.; Dremov, V. V.; Korotin, M. A.; Anisimov, V. I.
2015Exciton lines in luminescence spectra of Ni x Zn 1-x O under inner shell excitationChurmanov, V. N.; Sokolov, V. I.; Gruzdev, N. B.; Ivanov, V. Yu.; Pustovarov, V. A.
2023Features of the response to subchronic low-dose exposure to copper oxide nanoparticles in ratsSutunkova, M. P.; Ryabova, Y. V.; Minigalieva, I. A.; Bushueva, T. V.; Sakhautdinova, R. R.; Bereza, I. A.; Shaikhova, D. R.; Amromina, A. M.; Chemezov, A. I.; Shelomencev, I. G.; Amromin, L. A.; Valamina, I. E.; Toropova, L. V.
2013The forming factors of high values of superconducting transition temperature Tc in 3d-Transition metal compounds. I. The main groups of known superconductorsYuryeva, E.; Yuryev, A.
2023H/D Exchange Studies of Methane Activation Mechanisms in Heterogeneous CatalysisZakharov, D. M.
2022Heterometallic Molecular Architectures Based on Fluorinated β-Diketone LigandsSaloutin, V. I.; Edilova, Y. O.; Kudyakova, Y. S.; Burgart, Y. V.; Bazhin, D. N.