Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2008 | Collapse of Magnetic Moment Drives the Mott Transition in MnO | Kuně, J.; Lukoyanov, A. V.; Anisimov, V. I.; Scalettar, R. T.; Pickett, W. E. |
2002 | Doped Manganites Beyond Conventional Double-Exchange Model | Moskvin, A. S.; Avvakumov, I. L. |
2019 | Effects of long storage in La-Sr manganites with pared divalent and quadrivalent substituents for manganese | Karpasyuk, V. K.; Badelin, A. G.; Derzhavin, I. M.; Estemirova, S. K.; Merkulov, D. I. |
2013 | Electron transport in CaMnO3 - δ at elevated temperatures: A mobility analysis | Goldyreva, E. I.; Leonidov, I. A.; Patrakeev, M. V.; Kozhevnikov, V. L. |
2022 | Ground-state structure, orbital ordering and metal-insulator transition in double-perovskite PrBaMn2O6 | Streltsov, S. V.; Ryltsev, R. E.; Chtchelkatchev, N. M. |
2020 | Impact of Alkali Ions Codoping on Magnetic Properties of La(0.9)A(0.1)Mn(0.9)Co(0.1)O(3) (A: Li, K, Na) Powders and Ceramics | Głuchowski, P.; Nikonkov, R.; Tomala, R.; Stręk, W.; Shulha, T.; Serdechnova, M.; Zarkov, A.; Murauskas, T.; Pakalaniškis, A.; Skaudžius, R.; Kareiva, A.; Kholkin, A.; Bushinsky, M.; Latushka, S.; Karpinsky, D. |
2020 | Magnetic properties of La0.9A0.1MnO3 (A: Li, Na, K) nanopowders and nanoceramics | Głuchowski, P.; Nikonkov, R.; Tomala, R.; Strek, W.; Shulha, T.; Serdechnova, M.; Zheludkevich, M.; Pakalaniškis, A.; Skaudžius, R.; Kareiva, A.; Abramov, A.; Kholkin, A.; Bushinsky, M. V.; Karpinsky, D. |
2019 | Orbital dependence of superexchange interaction in charge-ordered manganites | Gonchar, L. E. |
2023 | Overview of Approaches to Increase the Electrochemical Activity of Conventional Perovskite Air Electrodes | Filonova, E.; Pikalova, E. |
2015 | Phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties of oxide systems on the basis of rare earth, alkaline earth and 3d-transition (Mn, Fe, Co) metals. A short overview of | Cherepanov, V. A.; Gavrilova, L. Ya.; Volkova, N. E.; Urusova, A. S.; Aksenova, T. V.; Kiselev, E. |
2020 | Rate‐determining steps of oxygen surface exchange kinetics on Sr2Fe1.5Mo0.5O6−δ | Osinkin, D. A.; Khodimchuk, A. V.; Porotnikova, N. M.; Bogdanovich, N. M.; Fetisov, A. V.; Ananyev, M. V. |
2013 | Specific features of magnetic structure formation in orbitally degenerate BiMnO3 manganite | Gonchar, L. E.; Nikitina, T. O.; Nikiforov, A. E. |
2023 | Spin Wave Spectra in Pseudoperovskite Manganites with Superexchange Interaction Competition | Gonchar, L. E. |
2012 | Structure and Properties of Ca1-xEuxMnO3 Single Crystals | Naumov, S. V.; Telegin, S. V.; Kostromitina, N. V.; Solin, N. I.; Elokhina, L. V.; Tsvetkov, D. S.; Patselov, A. M.; Loshkareva, N. N. |
2011 | Theoretical Investigation of NMR Spectra in Rare-Earth Manganites | Gonchar, L. E.; Leskova, J. V.; Nikiforov, A. E. |
2019 | Unusual properties and features of oxygen nonstoichiometry of La-Sr manganites with manganese replacement by a combination of nickel and germanium | Karpasyuk, V. K.; Badelin, A. G.; Merkulov, D. I.; Derzhavin, I. M.; Estemirova, S. Kh. |
2015 | Фазовые равновесия и термодинамические свойства оксидов в системах на основе редкоземельных, щелочноземельных и 3d-переходных (Mn, Fe, Co) металлов. Краткий обзор | Черепанов, В. А.; Гаврилова, Л. Я.; Волкова, Н. Е.; Урусова, А. С.; Аксенова, Т. В.; Киселев, Е. А. |