Просмотр коллекции по группе - По тематике HIGH PRESSURE

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Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2019Classifying superconductivity in compressed H 3 STalantsev, E. F.
2020Classifying superconductivity in ThH-ThD superhydrides/superdeuteridesTalantsev, E. F.; Mataira, R. C.
2017The CO2 absorption continuum by high pressure CRDS in the 1.74 µm windowMondelain, D.; Campargue, A.; Čermák, P.; Gamache, R. R.; Kassi, S.; Tashkun, S. A.; Tran, H.
2020Electric and Galvanomagnetic Properties of Cd3As2–20 mol % MnAs Composite under High PressureSaypulaeva, L. A.; Gadzhialiev, M. M.; Alibekov, A. G.; Melnikova, N. V.; Zakhvalinskii, V. S.; Ril’, A. I.; Marenkin, S. F.; Babushkin, A. N.
2022Exotic Magnetic and Electronic Properties of Layered Formula Presented Single Crystals under High PressureGhosh, A.; Singh, D.; Aramaki, T.; Mu, Q.; Borisov, V.; Kvashnin, Y.; Haider, G.; Jonak, M.; Chareev, D.; Medvedev, S. A.; Klingeler, R.; Mito, M.; Abdul-Hafidh, E. H.; Vejpravova, J.; Kalbàč, M.; Ahuja, R.; Eriksson, O.; Abdel-Hafiez, M.
2013Features of the crystal structure and electrical properties of sodium chloride at pressure 20-50 GPaVolkova, Ya. Yu.; Babushkin, A. N.; Babushkina, G. V.
2019High pressure impacts on meteoritesPetrova, E. V.; Grokhovsky, V. I.
2013High pressures, low temperatures, and magnetic field effects on AgFeAsSe3 and AgFeSbSe3 propertiesKheifets, O. L.; Nugaeva, L. L.; Tebenkov, A. V.; Volegov, A. S.; Shakirov, E. F.; Melnikova, N. V.; Babushkin, A. N.
2013Impedance spectroscopy of synthetic proustite at high pressuresMelnikova, N. V.; Babushkin, A. N.; Kheifets, O. L.; Kurochka, K. V.
2020Influence of molecular orbitals on magnetic properties of FeO2HXShorikov, A. O.; Skornyakov, S. L.; Anisimov, V. I.; Streltsov, S. V.; Poteryaev, A. I.
2023Local structure, thermodynamics, and melting of boron phosphide at high pressures by deep learning-driven ab initio simulationsChtchelkatchev, N. M.; Ryltsev, R. E.; Magnitskaya, M. V.; Gorbunov, S. M.; Cherednichenko, K. A.; Solozhenko, V. L.; Brazhkin, V. V.
2023Magnetic flux trapping in hydrogen-rich high-temperature superconductorsMinkov, V. S.; Ksenofontov, V.; Bud’ko, S. L.; Talantsev, E. F.; Eremets, M. I.
2019Magnetic properties of RCoO3 cobaltites (R = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu). Effects of hydrostatic and chemical pressurePanfilov, A. S.; Grechnev, G. E.; Lyogenkaya, A. A.; Pashchenko, V. A.; Zhuravleva, I. P.; Vasylechko, L. O.; Hreb, V. M.; Turchenko, V. A.; Novoselov, D.
2021Modernization of the Mechanical Fuel System of a Diesel Locomotive Engine Through Physical and Numerical ModelingPlotnikov, L.; Grigoriev, N.
2015The most incompressible metal osmium at static pressures above 750 gigapascalsDubrovinsky, L.; Dubrovinskaia, N.; Bykova, E.; Bykov, M.; Prakapenka, V.; Prescher, C.; Glazyrin, K.; Liermann, H. -P.; Hanfland, M.; Ekholm, M.; Feng, Q.; Pourovskii, L. V.; Katsnelson, M. I.; Wills, J. M.; Abrikosov, I. A.
2017Preparation and characterization of metastable trigonal layered MSb2O6 phases (M = Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Mg) and considerations on FeSb2O6Nikulin, A. Y.; Zvereva, E. A.; Nalbandyan, V. B.; Shukaev, I. L.; Kurbakov, A. I.; Kuchugura, M. D.; Raganyan, G. V.; Popov, Y. V.; Ivanchenko, V. D.; Vasiliev, A. N.
2012Pressure Induced AF - F - AF Magnetic Phase Transformations in Pd substituted FeRh compoundChirkova, A. M.; Volegov, A. S.; Neznakhin, D. S.; Stepanova, E. A.; Baranov, N. V.
2021Structural Stability of CuAl2O4 under PressureAgzamova, P. A.; Belik, A. A.; Streltsov, S. V.
2013Synthesis and characterization of the new high pressure phases A Cu 3 v 4O 12 (A =Gd, Tb, Er)Melnikova, N. V.; Kadyrova, N. I.; Ustinova, I. S.; Volkova, Y. Y.; Tyutyunnik, A. P.; Zaynulin, Y. G.; Babushkin, A. N.; Korolev, A. V.
2013Thermobaric synthesis, structure, and properties of Dy x Cu 3V4O12Kadyrova, N. I.; Zainulin, Y. G.; Tyutyunnik, A. P.; Semenova, A. S.; Melnikova, N. V.; Ustinova, I. S.