Showing results 1 to 20 of 409
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2020 | 3D chitin scaffolds of marine demosponge origin for biomimetic mollusk hemolymph-associated biomineralization ex-vivo | Wysokowski, M.; Machałowski, T.; Petrenko, I.; Schimpf, C.; Rafaja, D.; Galli, R.; Ziętek, J.; Pantović, S.; Voronkina, A.; Kovalchuk, V.; Ivanenko, V. N.; Hoeksema, B. W.; Diaz, C.; Khrunyk, Y.; Stelling, A. L.; Giovine, M.; Jesionowski, T.; Ehrlich, H. |
2023 | Ab Initio Study of the Electronic Properties of a Silicene Anode Subjected to Transmutation Doping | Galashev, A. Y.; Vorob’ev, A. S. |
2023 | Absolute Stereochemistry and Cytotoxic Effects of Vismione E from Marine Sponge-Derived Fungus Aspergillus sp. 1901NT-1.2.2 | Girich, E. V.; Trinh, P. T. H.; Nesterenko, L. E.; Popov, R. S.; Kim, N. Y.; Rasin, A. B.; Menchinskaya, E. S.; Kuzmich, A. S.; Chingizova, E. A.; Minin, A. S.; Ngoc, N. T. D.; Van, T. T. T.; Yurchenko, E. A.; Yurchenko, A. N.; Berdyshev, D. V. |
2022 | Acute behavioral and Neurochemical Effects of Novel N-Benzyl-2-Phenylethylamine Derivatives in Adult Zebrafish | Demin, K. A.; Kupriyanova, O. V.; Shevyrin, V. A.; Derzhavina, K. A.; Krotova, N. A.; Ilyin, N. P.; Kolesnikova, T. O.; Galstyan, D. S.; Kositsyn, Y. M.; Khaybaev, A. -A. S.; Seredinskaya, M. V.; Dubrovskii, Y.; Sadykova, R. G.; Nerush, M. O.; Mor, M. S.; Petersen, E. V.; Strekalova, T.; Efimova, E. V.; Kuvarzin, S. R.; Yenkoyan, K. B.; Bozhko, D. V.; Myrov, V. O.; Kolchanova, S. M.; Polovian, A. I.; Galumov, G. K.; Kalueff, A. V. |
2020 | Adsorption transition of a grafted ferromagnetic filament controlled by external magnetic fields | Sánchez, P. A.; Novak, E. V.; Pyanzina, E. S.; Kantorovich, S. S.; Cerdà, J. J.; Sintes, T. |
2009 | Age-Related Differences in Reaction Time Task Performance in Young Children | Kiselev, S.; Espy, K. A.; Sheffield, T. |
2021 | Alcohol dose in septal ablation for hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy | Veselka, J.; Faber, L.; Liebregts, M.; Cooper, R.; Januska, J.; Kashtanov, M.; Dabrowski, M.; Hansen, P. R.; Seggewiss, H.; Bonaventura, J.; Polakova, E.; Hansvenclova, E.; Bundgaard, H.; ten, Berg, J.; Stables, R. H.; Jarkovsky, J.; Jensen, M. K. |
2021 | Altered Behaviour, Dopamine and Norepinephrine Regulation in Stressed Mice Heterozygous in TPH2 Gene | Strekalova, T.; Svirin, E.; Waider, J.; Gorlova, A.; Cespuglio, R.; Kalueff, A.; Pomytkin, I.; Schmitt-Boehrer, A. G.; Lesch, K. -P.; Anthony, D. C. |
2023 | Amorphous non-doped and Se-, Cu-, and Zn-doped Sb2S3 nanoparticles prepared by a hot-injection method: bandgap tuning and possible observation of the quantum size effect | Validžić, I.; Popović, M.; Potočnik, J.; Graf, C.; Joschko, M.; Kuznetsova, Y. A.; Zatsepin, D. A. |
2012 | The analysis of active products of spark discharge plasma radiation determining biological effects in tissues | Ivanova, I. P.; Trofimova, S. V.; Karpel Vel Leitner, N.; Aristova, N. A.; Arkhipova, E. V.; Burkhina, O. E.; Sysoeva, V. A.; Piskaryov, I. M. |
2023 | Analysis of Experimental Data on Changes in Various Structures and Functions of the Rat Brain following Intranasal Administration of Fe2O3 Nanoparticles | Minigalieva, I. A.; Ryabova, Y. V.; Shelomencev, I. G.; Amromin, L. A.; Minigalieva, R. F.; Sutunkova, Y. M.; Privalova, L. I.; Sutunkova, M. P. |
2013 | Analytical characterization of some synthetic cannabinoids, derivatives of indole-3-carboxylic acid | Shevyrin, V.; Melkozerov, V.; Nevero, A.; Eltsov, O.; Shafran, Y. |
2022 | Anamnestic, clinical and laboratory features of the acute period of ischemic stroke in young patients | Gusev, V. V.; Kovtun, O. P.; Lvova, O. A.; Partylova, E. A.; Sergeev, A. P.; Sergeeva, M. V.; Yanchuk, I. T.; Dobrazova, D. A.; Suvorkov, P. A.; Shamalov, N. A. |
2021 | Ancient and Modern Genomes Unravel the Evolutionary History of the Rhinoceros Family | Liu, S.; Westbury, M. V.; Dussex, N.; Mitchell, K. J.; Sinding, M. -H. S.; Heintzman, P. D.; Duchêne, D. A.; Kapp, J. D.; von Seth, J.; Heiniger, H.; Sánchez-Barreiro, F.; Margaryan, A.; André-Olsen, R.; De Cahsan, B.; Meng, G.; Yang, C.; Chen, L.; van der Valk, T.; Moodley, Y.; Rookmaaker, K.; Bruford, M. W.; Ryder, O.; Steiner, C.; Bruins-van Sonsbeek, L. G. R.; Vartanyan, S.; Guo, C.; Cooper, A.; Kosintsev, P.; Kirillova, I.; Lister, A. M.; Marques-Bonet, T.; Gopalakrishnan, S.; Dunn, R. R.; Lorenzen, E. D.; Shapiro, B.; Zhang, G.; Antoine, P. -O.; Dalén, L.; Gilbert, M. T. P. |
2019 | Anomalous behavior and structure of a liquid of particles interacting through the harmonic-repulsive pair potential near the crystallization transition | Levashov, V. A.; Ryltsev, R.; Chtchelkatchev, N. M. |
2022 | Antecedents and consequences of fast-food restaurant customers' perception of price fairness | Singh, G.; Slack, N. J.; Sharma, S.; Aiyub, A. S.; Ferraris, A. |
2021 | Antiviral effect of novel purine conjugate LAS-131 against Herpes simplex virus type 1 (Herpesviridae: Alphaherpesvirinae: Simplexvirus: Human alphaherpesvirus 1) in vitro | Andronova, V. L.; Galegov, G. A.; Musiyak, V. V.; Vozdvizhenskaya, O. A.; Levit, G. L.; Krasnov, V. P. |
2023 | Antiviral Potential of Antillogorgia americana and elisabethae Natural Products against nsp16–nsp10 Complex, nsp13, and nsp14 Proteins of SARS-CoV-2: An In Silico Investigation | Pokharkar, O.; Lakshmanan, H.; Zyryanov, G. V.; Tsurkan, M. V. |
2023 | ANTIVIRAL PROPERTIES OF VERDAZYLS AND LEUCOVERDAZYLS AND THEIR ACTIVITY AGAINST GROUP B ENTEROVIRUSES | Volobueva, A. S.; Zarubaev, V. V.; Fedorchenko, T. G.; Lipunova, G. N.; Tungusov, V. N.; Chupakhin, O. N. |
2023 | Application of InP/ZnSe/ZnS Quantum Dots in the Treatment of Experimental Antibiotic-Resistant Endophthalmitis in vivo | Ponomarev, V. O.; Kazaykin, V. N.; Tkachenko, K. A.; Vokhmintsev, A. S.; Vainshtein, I. A.; Zhdanov, A. E. |