Просмотр коллекции по группе - По тематике GASES

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Отображение результатов 21 до 40 из 42 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2018Kinematics of dense gas in the L1495 filamentPunanova, A.; Caselli, P.; Pineda, J. E.; Pon, A.; Tafalla, M.; Hacar, A.; Bizzocchi, L.
2022Low-temperature oxidative removal of gaseous formaldehyde by an eggshell waste supported silver-manganese dioxide bimetallic catalyst with ultralow noble metal contentVikrant, K.; Kim, K. -H.; Dong, F.; Heynderickx, P. M.; Boukhvalov, D. W.
2022Methoxymethanol formation starting from CO hydrogenationHe, J.; Simons, M.; Fedoseev, G.; Chuang, K. -J.; Qasim, D.; Lamberts, T.; Ioppolo, S.; Mcguire, B. A.; Cuppen, H.; Linnartz, H.
2022Multiline observations of CH3OH, c-C3H2, and HNCO toward L1544: Dissecting the core structure with chemical differentiationLin, Y.; Spezzano, S.; Sipilä, O.; Vasyunin, A.; Caselli, P.
2019Nano Gas Bubbles Dissolve in Gasoline Fuel and Its Influence on Engine Combustion PerformanceSharif, P. M.; Aziz, Hairuddin, A.; As'Arry, A.; Rezali, K. A. M.; Noor, M. M.; Norhafana, M.; Shareef, S. M.
2020Optimization of the thermodynamic and thermophysical properties of the gas turbine cycle working fluidFilippov, P. S.; Lazebniy, I. P.; Ryzhkov, A. F.
2020The origin of tail-like structures around protoplanetary disksVorobyov, E. I.; Skliarevskii, A. M.; Elbakyan, V. G.; Takami, M.; Liu, H. B.; Liu, S. -Y.; Akiyama, E.
2014Oxygen tracer diffusion and surface exchange kinetics in Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3 - δBerenov, A.; Atkinson, A.; Kilner, J.; Ananyev, M.; Eremin, V.; Porotnikova, N.; Farlenkov, A.; Kurumchin, E.; Bouwmeester, H. J. M.; Bucher, E.; Sitte, W.
2017Risk-oriented investment in management of oil and gas company valueDomnikov, A.; Chebotareva, G.; Khomenko, P.; Khodorovsky, M.
2020Seeds of Life in Space (SOLIS): VII. Discovery of a cold dense methanol blob toward the L1521F VeLLO systemFavre, C.; Vastel, C.; Jimenez-Serra, I.; Quénard, D.; Caselli, P.; Ceccarelli, C.; Chacón-Tanarro, A.; Fontani, F.; Holdship, J.; Oya, Y.; Punanova, A.; Sakai, N.; Spezzano, S.; Yamamoto, S.; Neri, R.; López-Sepulcre, A.; Alves, F.; Bachiller, R.; Balucani, N.; Bianchi, E.; Bizzocchi, L.; Codella, C.; Caux, E.; De, Simone, M.; Enrique, Romero, J.; Dulieu, F.; Feng, S.; Jaber, Al-Edhari, A.; Lefloch, B.; Ospina-Zamudio, J.; Pineda, J.; Podio, L.; Rimola, A.; Segura-Cox, D.; Sims, I. R.; Taquet, V.; Testi, L.; Theulé, P.; Ugliengo, P.; Vasyunin, A. I.; Vazart, F.; Viti, S.; Witzel, A.
2023The shocked molecular layer in RCW 120Kirsanova, M. S.; Pavlyuchenkov, Ya. N.; Olofsson, A. O. H.; Semenov, D. A.; Punanova, A. F.
2013Simulation of the influence of surface chemical composition on internal gas flow at large Knudsen numbersUkhov, A. I.; Borisov, S. F.; Porodnov, B. T.
2023Solution-processed In2Se3 nanosheets for ultrasensitive and highly selective NO2 gas sensorsD'Olimpio, G.; Galstyan, V.; Ghica, C.; Vorokhta, M.; Istrate, M. C.; Kuo, C. -N.; Lue, C. S.; Boukhvalov, D. W.; Comini, E.; Politano, A.
2020Spectral analysis of gas-dynamic processes in the intake system of a supercharged piston enginePlotnikov, L. V.; Kochev, N. S.; Osipov, L. E.
2023Spillovers effect of gas price on macroeconomic indicators: A GVAR approachMirnezami, S. R.; Sohag, K.; Jamour, M.; Moridi-Farimani, F.; Hosseinian, A.
2018Temperature influence on the effectiveness of gas-vortex stabilization in plasma torchesAnakhov, S. V.; Pyckin, Yu. A.; Matushkin, A. V.
2023A Thermal Anemometry Method for Studying the Unsteady Gas Dynamics of Pipe Flows: Development, Modernisation, and ApplicationPlotnikov, L.
2020Thermal evolution of protoplanetary disks: From β -cooling to decoupled gas and dust temperaturesVorobyov, E. I.; Matsukoba, R.; Omukai, K.; Guedel, M.
2016Transient heat transfer in a rarefied binary gas mixture confined between parallel plates due to a sudden small change of wall temperaturesPolikarpov, A. P.; Ho, M. T.; Graur, I.
2021Tunable Mid-Infrared Laser Sources for Trace-Gas AnalysisKolker, D. B.; Sherstov, I. V.; Boyko, A. A.; Nyushkov, B. N.; Erushin, E. Y.; Kostyukova, N. Y.; Akhmathanov, A. I.; Kiryakova, A. Y.; Pavluck, A. V.