Просмотр коллекции по группе - По тематике ELASTIC MODULI

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Отображение результатов 6 до 25 из 31 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2018High-frequency elastic moduli of two-dimensional Yukawa fluids and solidsKhrapak, S.; Klumov, B.
2021The Impact of PbF2-Based Glasses on Radiation Shielding and Mechanical Concepts: An Extensive Theoretical and Monte Carlo Simulation StudyEl-Denglawey, A.; Issa, S. A. M.; Saddeek, Y. B.; Tekin, H. O.; Zakaly, H. M. H.
2021Influence of Li2O Incrementation on Mechanical and Gamma-Ray Shielding Characteristics of a TeO2-As2O3-B2O3 Glass SystemAlmuqrin, A. H.; Hanfi, M. Y.; Sayyed, M. I.; Mahmoud, K. G.; Al-Ghamdi, H.; Aloraini, D. A.
2021The Influence of Titanium Dioxide on Silicate-Based Glasses: An Evaluation of the Mechanical and Radiation Shielding PropertiesAlbarzan, B.; Hanfi, M. Y.; Almuqrin, A. H.; Sayyed, M. I.; Alsafi, H. M.; Mahmoud, K. A.
2019Influence of uniform magnetic field on elastic modulus in polyacrylamide ferrogels with embedded nickel nanoparticlesMikhnevich, E. A.; Chebotkova, P. D.; Safronov, A. P.; Kurlyandskaya, G. V.
2020Instantaneous shear modulus of Yukawa fluids across coupling regimesKhrapak, S. A.; Klumov, B. A.
2018Jahn-Teller effect problems via ultrasonic experiments. Application to the impurity crystal CdSe:CrAverkiev, N. S.; Bersuker, I. B.; Gudkov, V. V.; Zhevstovskikh, I. V.; Sarychev, M. N.; Zherlitsyn, S.; Yasin, S.; Korostelin, Y. V.; Surikov, V. T.
2019Magnetorheology of alginate ferrogelsGila-Vilchez, C.; Duran, J. D. G.; Gonzalez-Caballero, F.; Zubarev, A.; Lopez-Lopez, M. T.
2013Measurement of young's modulus and hardness of Al-50 wt % Sn alloy phases using nanoindentationChikova, O. A.; Shishkina, E. V.; Konstantinov, A. N.
2022Mechanical properties as well as gamma-ray attenuation competence: A wide-ranging examination into Tb3+doped boro-germanate-aluminiophosphate (BGAP) glassesZakaly, H. M. H.; Tekin, H. O.; Almisned, G.; Ahmed, E. M.; Issa, S. A. M.; Ene, A.; Rammah, Y. S.
2023Mechanical properties, elastic moduli, and gamma ray attenuation competencies of some TeO2-WO3-GdF3glasses: Tailoring WO3-GdF3substitution toward optimum behavioral state rangeAlmisned, G.; Rabaa, E.; Sen, Baykal, D.; Kavaz, E.; Ilik, E.; Kilic, G.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Ene, A.; Tekin, H. O.
2017Nanoindentation and wear properties of Ti and Ti-TiB composite materials produced by selective laser meltingAttar, H.; Ehtemam-Haghighi, S.; Kent, D.; Okulov, I. V.; Wendrock, H.; Bӧnisch, M.; Volegov, A. S.; Calin, M.; Eckert, J.; Dargusch, M. S.
2013Nanoindentation study of the effect of the structural state of the melt on the crystal structure and mechanical properties of the phases in an Al-50 wt % Sn alloyChikova, O. A.; Konstantinov, A. N.; Shishkina, E. V.; Chezganov, D. S.
2011Non-Linear Viscoelastic Response of Magnetic Fiber Suspensions in Oscillatory ShearKuzhir, P.; Gómez-Ramírez, A.; López-López, M. T.; Bossis, G.; Zubarev, A. Y.
2021On the Possibility of Describing the Microstructure of Human Dentin as Soft Matrix Filled by Solid ParticlesCheboksartseva, M. A.; Zaytsev, D.; Ivashov, A. S.; Mandra, J. V.; Zholudev, S.
2022Physical Features of High-Density Barium–Tungstate–Phosphate (BTP) Glasses: Elastic Moduli, and Gamma Transmission FactorsZakaly, H. M. H.; Tekin, H. O.; Rammah, Y. S.; Issa, S. A. M.; Alomari, A. H.; Ali, F. T.; Baykal, D. S.; Elshami, W.; Abulyazied, D. E.; ALMisned, G.; Mostafa, A. M. A.; Ene, A.
2023Prediction and simulation of mechanical properties of borophene-reinforced epoxy nanocomposites using molecular dynamics and FEABanerjee, N.; Sen, A.; Ghosh, P. S.; Biswas, A. R.; Sharma, S.; Kumar, A.; Singh, R.; Li, C.; Kaur, J.; Eldin, S. M.
2023A Promising Glass Type in Electronic and Laser Applications: Elastic Moduli, Mechanical, and Photon Transmission Properties of WO3 Reinforced Ternary-Tellurite GlassesALMisned, G.; Rabaa, E.; Rammah, Y. S.; Khattari, Z. Y.; Baykal, D. S.; Ilik, E.; Kilic, G.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Ene, A.; Tekin, H. O.
2019Rheological properties of magnetic biogelsZubarev, A.; Bonhome-Espinosa, A. B.; Alaminos, M.; Duran, J. D. G.; Lopez-Lopez, M. T.
2020Selective Laser Melting of High-strength, Low-modulus Ti–35Nb–7Zr–5Ta AlloyUmmethala, R.; Karamched, P. S.; Rathinavelu, S.; Singh, N.; Aggarwal, A.; Sun, K.; Ivanov, E.; Kollo, L.; Okulov, I.; Eckert, J.; Prashanth, K. G.