Browsing by Author Yurovskikh, A. S.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 33  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Determination of critical points of amorphous Fe-Si-Nb-Cu-Mo-B alloy using non-ambient X-ray diffraction methodNikul’Chenkov, N. N.; Yurovskikh, A. S.; Lobanov, M. L.
2019The Effect of Copper and Manganese on the Amorphization Process in a Thin Fe–Si–Mg–O FilmYurovskikh, A. S.; Nikul’chenkov, N. N.; Redikultsev, A. A.; Lutfieva, Z. Z.; Lobanov, M. L.
2016Effect of the technological conditions of frictional treatment on the structure, phase composition and hardening of metastable austenitic steelMakarov, A. V.; Skorynina, P. A.; Yurovskikh, A. S.; Osintseva, A. L.
2013Finite element simulation of nanostructuring burnishingKuznetsov, V. P.; Smolin, I. Y.; Dmitriev, A. I.; Konovalov, D. A.; Makarov, A. V.; Kiryakov, A. E.; Yurovskikh, A. S.
2022Glass Film Formation on GOES Surface during High-Temperature Annealing: The Mechanism with Amorphous Phase FormationLobanov, M. L.; Nikul’chenkov, N. N.; Popov, V. V.; Yurovskikh, A. S.; Veksler, M. Y.; Pastukhov, V. I.
2012Improvement of wear resistance of quenched structural steel by nanostructuring frictional treatmentMakarov, A. V.; Pozdejeva, N. A.; Savrai, R. A.; Yurovskikh, A. S.; Malygina, I. Yu.
2015Improving the tribological properties of austenitic 12Kh18N10T steel by nanostructuring frictional treatmentMakarov, A. V; Skorynina, P. A.; Osintseva, A. L.; Yurovskikh, A. S.; Savrai, R. A.
2013The influence of a combined strain-heat treatment on the features of electromagnetic testing of fatigue degradation of quenched constructional steelMakarov, A. V.; Gorkunov, E. S.; Savrai, R. A.; Kogan, L. K.; Yurovskikh, A. S.; Kolobylin, Y. M.; Malygina, I. Y.; Davydova, N. A.
2012Influence of copper on the deformation and primary recrystallization of Fe-3% Si alloy single crystalsRedikul'tsev, A. A.; Yurovskikh, A. S.
2022Laser Ablation Synthesis and Characterization of Tb2O3 Nanoparticles for Magneto-Optical CeramicsMaksimov, R. N.; Osipov, V. V.; Karagedov, G. R.; Platonov, V. V.; Yurovskikh, A. S.; Orlov, A. N.; Spirina, A. V.; Shitov, V. A.
2019Parameters Evolution of Orthorhombic Martensite Lattice in VT16 Titanium Alloy During HeatingDemakov, S. L.; Kylosova, I. A.; Stepanov, S. I.; Yurovskikh, A. S.; Kuznetsov, N. V.
2012The peculiarities of magnetic and eddy-current testing of quenched structural steel hardened by nanostructuring frictional treatmentMakarov, A. V.; Gorkunov, E. S.; Savrai, R. A.; Kolobylin, Yu. M.; Kogan, L. Kh.; Yurovskikh, A. S.; Pozdejeva, N. A.; Malygina, I. Yu.
2022Phase Transitions in Terbium Oxide Nanopowders Synthesized by Laser Ablation under Various Buffer GasesMaksimov, R. N.; Platonov, V. V.; Shitov, V. A.; Yurovskikh, A. S.
2020Solid state amorphization in a thin Fe-Si-Mg-O surface film triggered by the reduction of elements from oxides in the temperature range of the α-γ transformationLobanov, M. L.; Yurovskikh, A. S.; Reznik, P. L.; Nikul’chenkov, N. N.; Rusakov, G. M.; Redikul’tsev, A. A.
2013Special features of the structure and phase composition of a Ti-23Al-26Nb/Al layered material obtained by plasma-spark sinteringYurovskikh, A. S.; Demakov, S. L.; Kolosova, E. V.
2022Synthesis of Tb2 O3 nanoparticles by laser ablation in Ar gas flowMaksimov, R. N.; Platonov, V. V.; Yurovskikh, A. S.; Shitov, V. A.; Osipov, V. V.
2019Ultrasonic tomography of SiC-based materials synthesized by spark plasma sintering of preceramic paperSedanova, E. P.; Syrtanov, M. S.; Kashkarov, E. B.; Yurovskikh, A. S.; Travitzky, N.
2022Yb3+:(LuxY1−x)2O3 mixed sesquioxide ceramics for laser applications. Part I: Fabrication, microstructure and spectroscopyPirri, A.; Toci, G.; Patrizi, B.; Maksimov, R. N.; Osipov, V. V.; Shitov, V. A.; Yurovskikh, A. S.; Tikhonov, E. V.; Becucci, M.; Vannini, M.
2018Влияние меди и марганца на процесс аморфизации в тонкой пленке Fe–Si–Mg–ONikul’chenkov, N. N.; Lutfieva, Z. Z.; Yurovskikh, A. S.; Danilov, S. V.; Reznik, P. L.; Никульченков, Н. Н.; Лутфиева, З. З.; Юровских, А. С.; Данилов, С. В.; Резник, П. Л.
2018Влияние параметров записи дифрактограммы на точность определения фаз методом РитвельдаSovetov, B. A.; Yurovskikh, A. S.; Мухторов, Ф. А.; Юровских, А. С.