Browsing by Author Stepanova, E.
Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2022 | Beliefs, Opinions, and Expectations as a Resource of Re-Shaping Societies | Stepanova, E. |
2021 | “By the rivers of Babylon” and Elsewhere: Weeping and Recovering | Stepanova, E. |
2019 | Decomposition Staging of β-metastable Solid Solution in (α+β) Titanium Alloy During Heating | Stepanov, S.; Illarionov, A.; Stepanova, E. |
2017 | Do We Still Need to Defend the Right to Say What We Disapprove? | Stepanova, E. |
2018 | Editor's Note | Stepanova, E. |
2018 | Editorial | Stepanova, E. |
2020 | Leo tolstoy's faith: The equivalence of state of mind and content | Stepanova, E. |
2019 | Magnetocaloric effect in TbCo-based multilayers | Svalov, A.; Makarochkin, I.; Kudyukov, E.; Stepanova, E.; Vas'kovskiy, V.; Larrañaga, A.; Kurlyandskaya, G. |
2022 | The Mole of History Burrows His Way ever Forward and Upward | Stepanova, E. |
2018 | Moral Discourse as Resource of Publicity: Religious and Secular Alternatives | Stepanova, E. |
2017 | «The most sublime and benevolent code of morals which has ever been offered to man»: Debates on the jefferson bible | Stepanova, E. |
2018 | Religious Complexity in the Public Sphere: Comparing Nordic Countries (Inger Furseth, ed.). Springer, 2017 | Stepanova, E. |
2021 | Theological Origins of the Scandinavian Welfare State: Religious and Secular Interpretations | Stepanova, E. |
2017 | “You cannot step into the same river twice”, – what does it mean for us today? | Stepanova, E. |
2023 | Влияние санкций на индекс цен на жилье в регионах Российской Федерации | Степанова, Э. А.; Stepanova, E. |
2018 | Оценка эффекта для промышленного предприятия от вступления в кластер как элемент стратегического управления регионом | Stepanova, E.; Kolchinskaya, E.; Степанова, Е. С.; Колчинская, Е. Э. |
2017 | Печати и евлогии монастыря Святого Симеона Столпника Младшего | Степанова, Е. В.; Stepanova, E. |