Browsing by Author Nikolaenko, I. V.
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2017 | Preparation and characterization of Bi26–2xMn2xMo10O69-d and Bi26.4Mn0.6Mo10–2yMe2yO69-d(Me = V, Fe) solid solutions | Mikhaylovskaya, Z. A.; Morozova, M. V.; Buyanova, E. S.; Petrova, S. A.; Nikolaenko, I. V.; Kellerman, D. G. |
2018 | Synthesis, Structure, and Investigation of Bismuth Niobate Doped by Alkaline-Earth Elements | Kaimieva, O. S.; Yushkov, A. V.; Buyanova, E. S.; Petrova, S. A.; Nikolaenko, I. V. |
2018 | Thermodynamic database for multicomponent oxide systems. Preparation, Structure and Physicochemical Properties of La0.95Bi0.05Mn1–yCuyO3+δ (у = 0.1 – 0.4) and Composites with Bi2O3‑Based Electrolytes | Kaimieva, O. S.; Danilova, V. V.; Buyanova, E. S.; Petrova, S. A.; Nikolaenko, I. V. |