Browsing by Author Maiti, S. K.
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2020 | Assessment of potentially toxic elements in the coal dust and its accumulation by two dominant tree species Albizia lebbeck and Madhuca longifolia grown on reclaimed coal mine dumps | Raj, D.; Kumar, A.; Maiti, S. K. |
2021 | Changes in soil properties and carbon fluxes following afforestation and agriculture in tropical forest | Ahirwal, J.; Kumari, S.; Singh, A. K.; Kumar, A.; Maiti, S. K. |
2016 | Comparative study on bioaccumulation and translocation of metals in Bermuda grass (Cynodon Dactylon) naturally growing on fly ash lagoon and topsoil | Maiti, S. K.; Kumar, A.; Ahirwal, J.; Das, R. |
2020 | Effect of fast-growing trees on soil properties and carbon storage in an afforested coal mine land (India) | Ahirwal, J.; Kumar, A.; Maiti, S. K. |
2022 | Health Risk Assessment of Children Exposed to the Soil Containing Potentially Toxic Elements: A Case Study from Coal Mining Areas | Raj, D.; Kumar, A.; Tripti; Maiti, S. K. |
2022 | Soil Pollution and Plant Efficiency Indices for Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal(loid)s: Two-Decade Study (2002–2021) | Kumar, A.; Tripti; Raj, D.; Maiti, S. K.; Maleva, M.; Borisova, G. |