Browsing by Author Katanin, A.
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2015 | Correlated starting points for the functional renormalization group | Wentzell, N.; Taranto, C.; Katanin, A.; Toschi, A.; Andergassen, S. |
2011 | Critical Properties of the Half-filled Hubbard Model in Three Dimensions | Rohringer, G.; Toschi, A.; Katanin, A.; Held, K. |
2016 | Effect of vertex corrections on the possibility of chiral symmetry breaking induced by long-range Coulomb repulsion in graphene | Katanin, A. |
2013 | Effect of weak impurities on electronic properties of graphene: Functional renormalization-group analysis | Katanin, A. |
2014 | From infinite to two dimensions through the functional renormalization group | Taranto, C.; Andergassen, S.; Bauer, J.; Held, K.; Katanin, A.; Metzner, W.; Rohringer, G.; Toschi, A. |
2017 | Local magnetic moments in iron and nickel at ambient and Earth's core conditions | Hausoel, A.; Karolak, M.; Sasioglu, E.; Lichtenstein, A.; Held, K.; Katanin, A.; Toschi, A.; Sangiovanni, G. |
2012 | Longitudinal and transverse static spin fluctuations in layered ferromagnets and antiferromagnets | Katanin, A. |
2011 | Quasielastic Neutron Scattering from Two-dimensional Antiferromagnets at a Finite Temperature | Katanin, A.; Sushkov, O. P. |
2011 | Self-energy effects in the Polchinski and Wick-ordered renormalization- group approaches | Katanin, A. |