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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Analysis of the Radiological, Mineralogical and Long-Term Sustainability of Several Commercial Aswan Granites Used as Building MaterialsZakaly, H. M. H.; Awad, H. A.; Moghazy, N. M.; Tekin, H. O.; Rabie, A.; Fawzy, M. M.; El-Tohamy, A. M.; Ene, A.; Issa, S. A. M.
2022Author Correction: Structure, Mössbauer, electrical, and γ-ray attenuation-properties of magnesium zinc ferrite synthesized co-precipitation method (Scientific Reports, (2022), 12, 1, (15495), 10.1038/s41598-022-17311-y)Zakaly, H. M. H.; Issa, S. A. M.; Saudi, H. A.; Alharshan, G. A.; Uosif, M. A. M.; Henaish, A. M. A.
2022Binary contributions of Dy3+ ions on the mechanical and radiation resistance properties of oxyfluoroborotellurite Dyx-glassesRammah, Y. S.; Issa, S. A. M.; Tekin, H. O.; Badawi, A.; Ene, A.; Zakaly, H. M. H.
2021Cadmium oxide reinforced 46V2O5–46P2O5–(8−x)B2O3–xCdO semiconducting oxide glasses and resistance behaviors against ionizing gamma raysTekin, H. O.; Issa, S. A. M.; Kilic, G.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Badawi, A.; Bilal, G.; Sidek, H. A. A.; Matori, K. A.; Zaid, M. H. M.
2022Calculation of NaI(Tl) detector efficiency using 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K radioisotopes: Three-phase Monte Carlo simulation studyTekin, H. O.; Almisned, G.; Issa, S. A. M.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Kilic, G.; Ene, A.
2022Cerium (IV) Oxide Reinforced Lithium-Borotellurite Glasses: A Characterization Study Through Physical, Optical, Structural and Radiation Shielding PropertiesIlik, E.; Kilic, G.; Issever, U. G.; Issa, S. A. M.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Tekin, H. O.
2022A closer look at the efficiency calibration of LaBr3(Ce) and NaI(Tl) scintillation detectors using MCNPX for various types of nuclear investigationsALMisned, G.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Ali, F. T.; Issa, S. A. M.; Ene, A.; Kilic, G.; Ivanov, V.; Tekin, H. O.
2021A Closer Look on Nuclear Radiation Shielding Properties of Eu3+ Doped Heavy Metal Oxide Glasses: Impact of Al2O3/PbO SubstitutionAlmisned, G.; Tekin, H. O.; Ene, A.; Issa, S. A. M.; Kilic, G.; Zakaly, H. M. H.
2022A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Attenuation Characteristics of Some Sliding Bearing Alloys under 0.015–15 MeV Gamma-Ray ExposureAlgethami, M.; Ibraheem, A. A.; Issa, S. A. M.; Tekin, H. O.; Ene, A.; Pyshkina, M.; Rashad, M.; Almisned, G.; Zakaly, H. M. H.
2022Correction to: Tailoring variations in the linear optical and radiation shielding parameters of PVA polymeric composite films doped with rare-earth elements (Applied Physics A, (2022), 128, 3, (199), 10.1007/s00339-022-05304-7)Mostafa, M. Y. A.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Issa, S. A. M.; Saudi, H. A.; Henaish, A. M. A.
2023Corrigendum to “Exploring the potential of BBNCo glasses: Physical, optical, and radiation shielding analysis” [Opt. Mater. 142 (2023) 113976] (Optical Materials (2023) 142, (S0925346723005487), (10.1016/j.optmat.2023.113976))Uosif, M. A. M.; Issa, S. A. M.; Abouhaswa, A. S.; Mostafa, A. M. A.; Atta, A.; Zakaly, H. M. H.
2023Corrigendum to “Exploring the potential of BBNCo glasses: Physical, optical, and radiation shielding analysis” [Opt. Mater. 142 (2023) 113976] (Optical Materials (2023) 142, (S0925346723005487), (10.1016/j.optmat.2023.113976))Uosif, M. A. M.; Issa, S. A. M.; Abouhaswa, A. S.; Mostafa, A. M. A.; Atta, A.; Zakaly, H. M. H.
2022A Detailed Investigation on Highly Dense CuZr Bulk Metallic Glasses for Shielding PurposesTekin, H. O.; Almisned, G.; Susoy, G.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Issa, S. A. M.; Kilic, G.; Rammah, Y. S.; Lakshminarayana, G.; Ene, A.
2021Developed selenium dioxide-based ceramics for advanced shielding applications: Au2O3 impact on nuclear radiation attenuationElshami, W.; Tekin, H. O.; Al-Buriahi, M. S.; Hegazy, H. H.; Abuzaid, M. M.; Issa, S. A. M.; Zaid, M. H. M.; Sidek, H. A. A.; Matori, K. A.; Zakaly, H. M. H.
2022Diagnostic and therapeutic radioisotopes in nuclear medicine: Determination of gamma-ray transmission factors and safety competencies of high-dense and transparent glassy shieldsErdemir, R. U.; Kilic, G.; Sen Baykal, D.; Almisned, G.; Issa, S. A. M.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Ene, A.; Tekin, H. O.
2022Distribution of Radionuclides and Radiological Health Assessment in Seih-Sidri Area, Southwestern SinaiAlharshan, G. A.; Kamar, M. S.; Lasheen, E. S. R.; Ene, A.; Uosif, M. A. M.; Awad, H. A.; Issa, S. A. M.; Zakaly, H. M. H.
2021Effect of Ag2O substituted in bioactive glasses: a synergistic relationship between antibacterial zone and radiation attenuation propertiesTekin, H. O.; Al-Buriahi, M. S.; Issa, S. A. M.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Issa, B.; Kebaili, I.; Badawi, A.; Karim, M. K. A.; Matori, K. A.; Zaid, M. H. M.
2021Enhancement of Gamma-Ray Shielding Properties in Cobalt-Doped Heavy Metal Borate Glasses: The Role of Lanthanum Oxide ReinforcementAlmisned, G.; Elshami, W.; Issa, S. A. M.; Susoy, G.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Algethami, M.; Rammah, Y. S.; Ene, A.; Al-Ghamdi, S. A.; Ibraheem, A. A.; Tekin, H. O.
2022Erratum: Statistical analysis on the radiological assessment and geochemical studies of granite rocks in the north of Um Taghir area, Eastern Desert, Egypt (Open Chem. (2022) 20: 1 (254–256) DOI: 10.1515/chem-2022-0131)Awad, H. A.; Abu, El-Leil, I.; Nastavkin, A. V.; Tolba, A.; Kamel, M.; El-Wardany, R. M.; Rabie, A.; Ene, A.; Tekin, H. O.; Issa, S. A. M.; Zakaly, H. M. H.
2021Exploring the ftir, optical and nuclear radiation shielding properties of samarium-borate glass: A characterization through experimental and simulation methodsIssa, S. A. M.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Tekin, H. O.; Saudi, H. A.; Badawi, A.; Pyshkina, M.; Susoy, G.; Elazaka, A. I.; Ene, A.