Browsing by Author Eseev, M. K.
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | Influence of small times of CNT functionalization to their electrophysical properties | Goshev, A. A.; Eseev, M. K. |
2019 | Influence of surface-bound water on the electrophysical properties of MW– CNTs | Goshev, A. A.; Eseev, M. K. |
2017 | Investigation electrophysical properties of allotropic modifications of carbon in the range of temperatures 140-400 K | Goshev, A. A.; Eseev, M. K. |
2017 | Investigation of activative conductivity in CNT and F-CNT in the range of temperatures 140-470 ◦K | Goshev, A. A.; Eseev, M. K.; Volkov, A. S. |
2016 | Research influence of directional effects of polymer composites reinforced with MCNT, on dielectric properties of the sample in the frequency range of 0.01 to 106 Hz | Goshev, A. A.; Eseev, M. K.; Vinnik, L. N.; Volkov, A. S. |
2018 | Исследование кавитационного и электрокоррозийного разрушения материалов гребных винтов и валов в гидродинамических средах | Есеев, М. К.; Гошев, A. A.; Капустин, С. Н.; Eseev, M. K.; Goshev, A. A.; Kapustin, S. N. |