Browsing by Author Awad, H. A.

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Analysis of the Radiological, Mineralogical and Long-Term Sustainability of Several Commercial Aswan Granites Used as Building MaterialsZakaly, H. M. H.; Awad, H. A.; Moghazy, N. M.; Tekin, H. O.; Rabie, A.; Fawzy, M. M.; El-Tohamy, A. M.; Ene, A.; Issa, S. A. M.
2023Assessing geochemical and natural radioactivity impacts of Hamadat phosphatic mine through radiological indicesFathy, D.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Lasheen, E. S. R.; Elsaman, R.; Alarifi, S. S.; Sami, M.; Awad, H. A.; Ene, A.
2022Assessing the Radiological Risks Associated with High Natural Radioactivity of Microgranitic Rocks: A Case Study in a Northeastern Desert of EgyptAbed, N. S.; Monsif, M. A.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Awad, H. A.; Hessien, M. M.; Yap, C. K.
2022Distribution of Radionuclides and Radiological Health Assessment in Seih-Sidri Area, Southwestern SinaiAlharshan, G. A.; Kamar, M. S.; Lasheen, E. S. R.; Ene, A.; Uosif, M. A. M.; Awad, H. A.; Issa, S. A. M.; Zakaly, H. M. H.
2022Erratum: Statistical analysis on the radiological assessment and geochemical studies of granite rocks in the north of Um Taghir area, Eastern Desert, Egypt (Open Chem. (2022) 20: 1 (254–256) DOI: 10.1515/chem-2022-0131)Awad, H. A.; Abu, El-Leil, I.; Nastavkin, A. V.; Tolba, A.; Kamel, M.; El-Wardany, R. M.; Rabie, A.; Ene, A.; Tekin, H. O.; Issa, S. A. M.; Zakaly, H. M. H.
2023Geotechnical aspects of alluvial soils at different depths under sodium chloride action in Najran region, Saudi Arabia: Field supported by laboratory testsEl, Aal, A. A.; Abdullah, G. M. S.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Awad, H. A.; Omar, A. E.; Sakr, M. A. H.; Ene, A.
2022Hydrothermal Alteration Mapping Using Landsat 8 and ASTER Data and Geochemical Characteristics of Precambrian Rocks in the Egyptian Shield: A Case Study from Abu Ghalaga, Southeastern Desert, EgyptEl-Desoky, H. M.; Tende, A. W.; Abdel-Rahman, A. M.; Ene, A.; Awad, H. A.; Fahmy, W.; El-Awny, H.; Zakaly, H. M. H.
2022ICP-OES Elemental Variation on Bottled Drinking WaterAwad, H. A.; Zakaly, H. M.; El-Taher, A.
2021Natural Radioactivity, Radiological Hazard and Petrographical Studies on Aswan Granites Used as Building Materials in EgyptMoghazy, N. M.; El-Tohamy, A. M.; Fawzy, M. M.; Awad, H. A.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Issa, S. A. M.; Ene, A.
2022A New Partially Phosphorylated Polyvinyl Phosphate-PPVP Composite: Synthesis and Its Potentiality for Zr (IV) Extraction from an Acidic MediumEne, A.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Salem, A. R.; Gouda, A. A.; Althumayri, K.; Alshammari, K. F.; Awad, H. A.; Issa, S. A. M.; Alluhaybi, A. A.; Zaki, S. A.; Ibrahim, H. A.; Gado, M. A.; El-Sheikh, E. M.; Atia, B. M.
2022A Novel Triazole Schiff Base Derivatives for Remediation of Chromium Contamination from Tannery Waste WaterAlluhaybi, A. A.; Alharbi, A.; Hameed, A. M.; Gouda, A. A.; Hassen, F. S.; El-Gendy, H. S.; Atia, B. M.; Salem, A. R.; Gado, M. A.; Ene, A.; Awad, H. A.; Zakaly, H. M. H.
2022Origin and Heavy Metals of Plagio-Granites in Egyptian Shield Oceanic Complexes: A Case Study of Abu Dabbab Area, Central Eastern Desert, EgyptEl-Desoky, H. M.; Abdel-Rahman, A. M.; Ene, A.; Khalil, A. E.; Fahmy, W.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Awad, H. A.
2023Petrogenesis and Tectonic Evolution of Kab Amiri Ophiolites and Island-Arc Assemblages, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt: Petrological and Geochemical ConstraintsTaalab, S. A.; Abdel-Rahman, A. M.; El-Awny, H.; Awad, H. A.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Fahmy, W.; Ene, A.
2020Radioactive content in the investigated granites by geochemical analyses and radiophysical methods around Um Taghir, Central Eastern Desert, EgyptAwad, H. A.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Nastavkin, A. V.; El-Taher, A.
2022Radiological Hazards and Natural Radionuclide Distribution in Granitic Rocks of Homrit Waggat Area, Central Eastern Desert, EgyptLasheen, E. S. R.; Azer, M. K.; Ene, A.; Abdelwahab, W.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Awad, H. A.; Kawady, N. A.
2022Radiological Risk Parameters of the Phosphorite Deposits, Gebel Qulu El Sabaya: Natural Radioactivity and Geochemical CharacteristicsLasheen, E. S. R.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Alotaibi, B. M.; Saadawi, D. A.; Ene, A.; Fathy, D.; Awad, H. A.; El, Attar, R. M.
2022Statistical analysis on the radiological assessment and geochemical studies of granite rocks in the north of Um Taghir area, Eastern Desert, EgyptAwad, H. A.; Abu El-Leil, I.; Nastavkin, A. V.; Tolba, A.; Kamel, M.; El-Wardany, R. M.; Rabie, A.; Ene, A.; Tekin, H. O.; Issa, S. A. M.; Zakaly, H. M. H.
2022Ultramafic Rocks and Their Alteration Products From Northwestern Allaqi Province, Southeastern Desert, Egypt: Petrology, Mineralogy, and GeochemistryAbdel-Rahman, A. M.; El-Desoky, H. M.; Shalaby, B. N. A.; Awad, H. A.; Ene, A.; Heikal, M. A.; El-Awny, H.; Fahmy, W.; Taalab, S. A.; Zakaly, H. M. H.