Browsing by Author Alwan, N. T.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 30  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Analysis of Technical Efficiency, Economic Feasibility, and Environmental Impacts of using Solar Heating Installations for BuildingsAljashaami, B. A.; Salih, S. A.; Alwan, N. T.; Qasim, M. A.; Majeed, M. H.; Mola, A. H.; Velkin, V. I.; Shcheklein, S. E.; Lobocki, L.
2022Assessment of the performance of solar water heater: an experimental and theoretical investigationAlwan, N. T.; Majeed, M. H.; Khudhur, I. M.; Shcheklein, S. E.; Ali, O. M.; Yaqoob, S. J.; Alayi, R.
2021Dual Axis Solar Tracking System for a Parabolic Dish CPU Water HeaterAlwan, N. T.; Milia, H. M.; Shcheklein, S. E.; Matveev, A. V.
2021Effect of Dual Surface Cooling of Solar Photovoltaic Panel on the Efficiency of the Module: Experimental InvestigationAgyekum, E. B.; PraveenKumar, S.; Alwan, N. T.; Velkin, V. I.; Shcheklein, S. E.
2022Efficient Flatness Based Energy Management Strategy for Hybrid Supercapacitor/Lithium-ion Battery Power SystemYaqoob, S. J.; Ferahtia, S.; Obed, A. A.; Rezk, H.; Alwan, N. T.; Zawbaa, H. M.; Kamel, S.
2022Enhancement of the Evaporation and Condensation Processes of a Solar Still with an Ultrasound Cotton Tent and a Thermoelectric Cooling ChamberAlwan, N. T.; Ahmed, A. S.; Majeed, M. H.; Shcheklein, S. E.; Yaqoob, S. J.; Nayyar, A.; Nam, Y.; Abouhawwash, M.
2021Evaluation of Distilled Water Quality and Production Costs from a Modified Solar Still Integrated with an Outdoor Solar Water HeaterAlwan, N. T.; Shcheklein, S. E.; Ali, O. M.
2022Evaluation of the gas turbine unit in the Kirkuk gas power plant to analyse the energy and exergy using ChemCad simulationSalah, S. A.; Abbas, E. F.; Ali, O. M.; Alwan, N. T.; Yaqoob, S. J.; Alayi, R.
2020Evaluation of the productivity for new design single slope solar still at different saltwater depthAlwan, N. T.; Shcheklein, S. E.; Ali, O. M.
2021Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of a Modified Single-Slope Solar Still with an External Solar Water HeaterAlwan, N. T.; Shcheklein, S. E.; Ali, O. M.; Majeed, M. H.; Agyekum, E. B.
2021Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Traditional Solar Still Productivity in Cold ClimaticAlwan, N. T.; Shcheklein, S. E.; Ali, O. M.
2020Experimental investigation of modified solar still integrated with solar collectorAlwan, N. T.; Shcheklein, S. E.; Ali, O. M.
2020Experimental investigation of modified solar still productivity under variable climatic conditionsAlwan, N. T.; Shcheklein, S. Е.; Ali, O. M.
2020Experimental investigation of solar distillation system integrated with photoelectric diffusion-absorption refrigerator (DAR)Alwan, N. T.; Shcheklein, S. E.; Ali, O. M.
2021Experimental Investigation of the Effect of a Combination of Active and Passive Cooling Mechanism on the Thermal Characteristics and Efficiency of Solar pv ModuleAgyekum, E. B.; Praveenkumar, S.; Alwan, N. T.; Velkin, V. I.; Shcheklein, S. E.; Yaqoob, S. J.
2020Experimental investigations of single-slope solar still integrated with a hollow rotating cylinderAlwan, N. T.; Shcheklein, S. E.; Ali, O. M.
2021Experimental Study of a Tilt Single Slope Solar Still Integrated with Aluminum Condensate PlateAlwan, N. T.; Majeed, M. H.; Shcheklein, S. E.; Ali, O. M.; Praveenkumar, S.
2022Experimental Study on Performance Enhancement of a Photovoltaic Module Incorporated with CPU Heat Pipe—A 5E AnalysisPraveenkumar, S.; Gulakhmadov, A.; Agyekum, E. B.; Alwan, N. T.; Velkin, V. I.; Sharipov, P.; Safaraliev, M.; Chen, X.
2021Experimental Study on Performance Enhancement of a Photovoltaic Module Using a Combination of Phase Change Material and Aluminum Fins—Exergy, Energy and Economic (3e) AnalysisAgyekum, E. B.; Praveenkumar, S.; Alwan, N. T.; Velkin, V. I.; Adebayo, T. S.
2021A New Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique for Thermoelectric Generator ModulesQasim, M. A.; Alwan, N. T.; Praveenkumar, S.; Velkin, V. I.; Agyekum, E. B.