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Отображение результатов 11 до 30 из 79 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2023e-Beam and γ-rays Induced Synthesis and Catalytic Properties of Copper Nanoclusters-Deposited Composite Track-Etched MembranesParmanbek, N.; Aimanova, N. A.; Mashentseva, A. A.; Barsbay, M.; Abuova, F. U.; Nurpeisova, D. T.; Jakupova, Z. Y.; Zdorovets, M. V.
2023Eco-Friendly Electroless Template Synthesis of Cu-Based Composite Track-Etched Membranes for Sorption Removal of Lead(II) IonsAltynbaeva, L. S.; Mashentseva, A. A.; Aimanova, N. A.; Zheltov, D. A.; Shlimas, D. I.; Nurpeisova, D. T.; Barsbay, M.; Abuova, F. U.; Zdorovets, M. V.
2021Effect of Irradiation with Heavy Xe22+ Ions with Energies of 165–230 MeV on Change in Optical Characteristics of ZrO2 CeramicIvanov, I. A.; Alin, M.; Koloberdin, M. V.; Sapar, A.; Kurakhmedov, A. E.; Kozlovskiy, A. L.; Zdorovets, M. V.; Uglov, V. V.
2022Effect of Irradiation with Low-Energy He2+ Ions on Degradation of Structural, Strength and Heat-Conducting Properties of BeO CeramicsZdorovets, M. V.; Shlimas, D. I.; Kozlovskiy, A. L.; Borgekov, D. B.
2019Electron beam induced enhancement of the catalytic properties of ion-track membranes supported copper nanotubes in the reaction of the P-nitrophenol reductionMashentseva, A. A.; Shlimas, D. I.; Kozlovskiy, A. L.; Zdorovets, M. V.; Russakova, A. V.; Kassymzhanov, M.; Borisenko, A. N.
2023Environmentally friendly loading of palladium nanoparticles on nanoporous PET track-etched membranes grafted by poly(1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) via RAFT polymerization for the photocatalytic degradation of metronidazoleParmanbek, N.; Sütekin, S. D.; Barsbay, M.; Aimanova, N. A.; Mashentseva, A. A.; Alimkhanova, A. N.; Zhumabayev, A. M.; Yanevich, A.; Almanov, A. A.; Zdorovets, M. V.
2023Erratum to: Investigation of Modification of Zinc Nanotubes by Bombardment with Kr+14 Ions (High Energy Chemistry, (2018), 52, 4, (302-306), 10.1134/S0018143918040082)Kadyrzhanov, D. B.; Kozlovskiy, A. L.; Zdorovets, M. V.; Petrov, A. V.
2020Evaluation of the Efficiency of Detection and Capture of Manganese in Aqueous Solutions of FeCeOx Nanocomposites Doped with Nb2O5Kozlovskiy, A.; Egizbek, K.; Zdorovets, M. V.; Ibragimova, M.; Shumskaya, A.; Rogachev, A. A.; Ignatovich, Z. V.; Kadyrzhanov, K.
2023Evaluation of the Influence of Grain Sizes of Nanostructured WO3 Ceramics on the Resistance to Radiation-Induced SofteningKadyrzhanov, D. B.; Kozlovskiy, A. L.; Zdorovets, M. V.; Kenzhina, I. E.; Shlimas, D. I.
2019Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles for complex targeted delivery and boron neutron capture therapyDukenbayev, K.; Korolkov, I. V.; Tishkevich, D. I.; Kozlovskiy, A. L.; Trukhanov, S. V.; Gorin, Y. G.; Shumskaya, E. E.; Kaniukov, E. Y.; Vinnik, D. A.; Zdorovets, M. V.; Anisovich, M.; Trukhanov, A. V.; Tosi, D.; Molardi, C.
2021Fe2o3 nanoparticles doped with gd: Phase transformations as a result of thermal annealingKozlovskiy, A.; Egizbek, K.; Zdorovets, M. V.; Kadyrzhanov, K.
2021Formation of Stable Lithium-Containing Ceramics Using Solid-Phase Synthesis MethodShlimas, D. I.; Kozlovskiy, A. L.; Zdorovets, M. V.
2019Functionalization of PET track-etched membranes by UV-induced graft (co)polymerization for detection of heavy metal ions in waterZdorovets, M. V.; Korolkov, I. V.; Yeszhanov, A. B.; Gorin, Y. G.
2022GdxFe3-xO4 Nanoparticles with Silane Shell as Potential Theranostic Agent for Cancer TreatmentZibert, A. V.; Lissovskaya, L. I.; Korolkov, I. V.; Zdorovets, M. V.
2022Graft Polymerization of Stearyl Methacrylate on PET Track-Etched Membranes for Oil–Water SeparationYeszhanov, A. B.; Muslimova, I. B.; Melnikova, G. B.; Petrovskaya, A. S.; Seitbayev, A. S.; Chizhik, S. A.; Zhappar, N. K.; Korolkov, I. V.; Güven, O.; Zdorovets, M. V.
2021Hopping conduction mechanism and impedance spectroscopy analyses of La0.70Sr0.25Na0.05Mn0.70Ti0.30O3 ceramicRaddaoui, Z.; El Kossi, S.; Brahem, R.; Bajahzar, A.; Trukhanov, A. V.; Kozlovskiy, A. L.; Zdorovets, M. V.; Dhahri, J.; Belmabrouk, H.
2018Impact of testing temperature on the structure and catalytic properties of au nanotubes compositesMashentseva, A. A.; Zdorovets, M. V.; Borgekov, D. B.
2020Induced spirals in polyethylene terephthalate films irradiated with ar ions with an energy of 70 MeVTuleushev, A. Z.; Zdorovets, M. V.; Kozlovskiy, A. L.; Harrison, F. E.
2019Investigation of phase transformations and corrosion resistance in Co/CoCo2O4 nanowires and their potential use as a basis for lithium-ion batteriesZdorovets, M. V.; Kozlovskiy, A. L.
2023Investigation of the Prospects for the Use of Iron-Containing Nanocomposites Doped with Rare Earth Elements as Catalysts for the Purification of Aqueous MediaKadyrzhanov, K. K.; Kozlovskiy, A. L.; Egizbek, K. B.; Kubekova, S. N.; Kenzhina, I. E.; Zdorovets, M. V.