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Результаты 1-10 из 11.
Найденные ресурсы:
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2015Disintegration and Coordination of Forecast Parameters of Socio-Economic Development and the Fuel and Energy Balance of the RegionDobrodey, V. V.
2015Commodity and Financial Networks in Regional EconomicsPopkov, V. V.; Berg, D. B.; Ulyanova, E. A.; Selezneva, N. A.
2015Infrastructure coverage of the ural federal district regions: assessment metodology and diagnostic resultsPykhov, P. A.; Kashina, T. O.
2018Inframarginal models of spatially allocated economic structures and the analysis of production processesPetrenko, D. S.
2022Assessment of the socio-economic performance of vulnerable and depressed territories in KazakhstanKireyeva, A. A.; Nurlanova, N. K.; Kredina, A.; Киреева, А.; Нурланова, Н.; Кредина, А.; 基列娃, ·阿内尔·艾哈迈托夫娜; 努尔兰诺娃, 奈莉亚·卡佩诺夫娜; 克雷迪娜, 安娜·亚历山德罗芙娜
2022Territorial Distribution of Economic Activities and Resilience in Vicenza’s Jewelry IndustryCeletti, D.; Челетти, Д.; 切莱蒂, 大卫
2017Conceptual foundations of transition to the non-linear models of higher education in the regionZborovsky, G. E.; Ambarova, P. A.
2022Regional per capita income differences: Spatial and hierarchical dependenciesTimiryanova, V. M.; Yusupov, K. N.; Lakman, I. A.; Zimin, A. F.; Тимирьянова, В. М.; Юсупов, К. Н.; Лакман, И. А.; Зимин, А. Ф.; 蒂米里亚诺娃, 维内拉·马拉托夫娜; 尤苏波夫, 卡西姆·纳西福维奇; 拉赫曼, 伊琳娜·亚历山德罗夫娜; 齐明, 亚历山大·费多罗维奇
2016Agent modelling of cluster formation processes in regional economic systemsBoush, G. D.; Kulikova, О. М.; Shelkov, I. К.
2023Innovation-Driven Evolution of the Sharing Economy in a Russian Region: The Case of Sverdlovsk RegionPopov, E.; Veretennikova, A.; Selezneva, D.; Попов, Е. В.; Веретенникова, А. Ю.; Селезнева, Д. А.; 波波夫; 韦列滕尼科娃; 塞莱兹涅娃