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dc.contributor.authorКанев, Н.ru
dc.contributor.authorKanev, N.en
dc.identifier.citationКанев Н. Византийский титул новелиссим во второй половине VIII – XII в. по данным сфрагистики / Н. Канев // Античная древность и средние века. — Екатеринбург: [б. и.], 2005. — Вып. 36: материалы XII Международных научных Сюзюмовских чтений (Севастополь, 6-10 сентября 2004 г.). — С. 127-144.ru
dc.description.abstractThe present article examines the evolution of the title nobelissim from the second half of the 8th c. till the end of the 12th c. In the rank hierarchy of the pre-Comnenan period the title nobelissim is among the highest ranks. Only the titles of basileos and kaisar stand above it. The origin of the title nobelissim can be traced back to the times of the Roman Empire. In the second half of the 8th c., after a long period of relative obscurity, during the reign of Constantine V Copronymus (741–775) the title nobelissim again assumes its rightful place as a high rank distinction of the members of the imperial family. Perhaps, during that period the Byzantines come to view the title as being reserved for the younger sons of the basileos, and respectively his younger brothers. During the 9th and 10th c. there are no known holders of the title. At the same time the dignity of nobelissim is inevitably present in the taktikas of the period and in the De Cerimonii of Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, where it preserves its place of honor. The appearance of nobelissim during the 11th c. is connected with the reign of Michael Calaphates (1041–1042), who gives the title to his uncle Constantine. From the time of the Ducas dynasty the title is given to people who are not related to the imperial family. In the last third of the 11th c. the form protonovelissim appears. From the end of the 11th c. the value of the titles protonobelissim and nobelissim markedly decreases. In the time of the Comnenan and Angelan dynasties, they are not given to relatives of the basileos, only to imperial officials and representatives of the provincial aristocracy. During the 12th c. the appearance of titles derived from νωβελίσσιμος continues. The article also examines the contribution of sphragistics in shedding light on the place of the title nobelissim and its derivatives in the rank hierarchy and primarily in revealing the people who possessed the abovementioned dignities.en
dc.format.extent582107 bytesen
dc.relation.ispartofАнтичная древность и средние века. 2005. Вып. 36: материалы XII Международных научных Сюзюмовских чтений (Севастополь, 6-10 сентября 2004 г.)ru
dc.subjectВИЗАНТИЯ (ИСТОРИЯ)ru
dc.titleВизантийский титул новелиссим во второй половине VIII – XII в. по данным сфрагистикиru
dc.title.alternativeThe Byzantine title of nobelissim from the second half of VIII till XII c. the contribution of sphragisticsru
Располагается в коллекциях:Античная древность и средние века

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