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Результаты 1-10 из 58.
Найденные ресурсы:
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2013Vacancies in ordered and disordered titanium monoxide: Mechanism of B1 structure stabilizationKostenko, M. G.; Lukoyanov, A. V.; Zhukov, V. P.; Rempel, A. A.
2013Specific features of the electrical resistance of half-metallic ferromagnetic alloys Co2CrAl and Co2CrGaKourov, N. I.; Lukoyanov, A. V.; Marchenkov, V. V.
2013Optical spectroscopy and electronic structure of compounds HoNi 5-x Alx (x = 0, 1, 2)Knyazev, Yu. V.; Lukoyanov, A. V.; Kuz'min, Yu. I.; Kuchin, A. G.
2021Ab initio computational study of the electronic and magnetic properties of the HoNiZ compounds accounting for electronic correlationsLukoyanov, A. V.; Gramateeva, L. N.
2013Influence of aluminum impurity on the electronic structure and optical properties of the TbNi5 intermetallic compoundKnyazev, Y. V.; Lukoyanov, A. V.; Kuz'min, Y. I.; Kuchin, A. G.
2013Role of structural vacancies in the stabilization of the basic B1 structure in nonstoichiometric titanium monoxide TiO yKostenko, M. G.; Lukoyanov, A. V.; Zhukov, V. P.; Valeeva, A. A.; Rempel, A. A.
2013Optical spectroscopy and electronic structure of the GdCux compounds (x = 1, 2, 5)Knyazev, Y. V.; Kourov, N. I.; Lukoyanov, A. V.; Kuz'min, Y. I.
2013Internal energy and parameters of the order-disorder phase transition in titanium monoxide TiO yKostenko, M. G.; Rempel, A. A.; Lukoyanov, A. V.
2019Electronic structure of intermetallic antiferromagnet GdNiGeBaglasov, E. D.; Lukoyanov, A. V.
2013Magnetic and electrical properties of the half-metallic ferromagnets Co2CrAlKourov, N. I.; Korolev, A. V.; Marchenkov, V. V.; Lukoyanov, A. V.; Belozerova, K. A.