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Отображение результатов 885 до 904 из 123219 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2019Anomalous behavior and structure of a liquid of particles interacting through the harmonic-repulsive pair potential near the crystallization transitionLevashov, V. A.; Ryltsev, R.; Chtchelkatchev, N. M.
2021Anomalous compliance of interpenetrating-phase composite of Ti and Mg synthesized by liquid metal dealloyingOkulov, I. V.; Wilmers, J.; Joo, S. -H.; Bargmann, S.; Kim, H. S.; Kato, H.
2022Anomalous Dynamics of Recalescence Front in Crystal Growth Processes: Theoretical BackgroundAlexandrov, D. V.; Galenko, P. K.; Toropova, L. V.
2015Anomalous electrical conductivity in rapidly crystallized Cu100-xZrx (x = 50-66.6) alloysUporov, S. A.; Estemirova, S. K.; Chtchelkatchev, N. M.; Ryltsev, R. E.
2022Anomalous electron polarizability of HgTe quantum wellsAleshkin, V. Y.; Germanenko, A. V.; Minkov, G. M.; Sherstobitov, A. A.
2012Anomalous influence of an external magnetic field on spin fluctuations in magnetic semiconductors with strong p-d hybridization and the colossal magnetoresistance effectVolkov, A. G.; Povzner, A. A.
2015Anomalous influence of an external magnetic field on the electron energy spectrum of ferromagnetic semiconductors with strong p,d-hybridizationPovzner, A. A.; Volkov, A. G.; Shumikhina, K. A.
2022Anomalous kinetics, patterns formation in recalescence, and final microstructure of rapidly solidified Al-rich Al-Ni alloysGalenko, P. K.; Toropova, L. V.; Alexandrov, D. V.; Phanikumar, G.; Assadi, H.; Reinartz, M.; Paul, P.; Fang, Y.; Lippmann, S.
2012Anomalous luminescence of impurity-bound excitons in lithium borate crystals doped with cerium ionsOgorodnikov, I. N.; Pustovarov, V. A.; Пустоваров, В. А.
2023Anomalous Nernst Effect in Flexible Co-Based Amorphous RibbonsCorrea, M. A.; Ferreira, A.; Souza, A. L. R.; Dantas, Neto, J. M.; Bohn, F.; Vaz, F.; Kurlyandskaya, G. V.
2006Anomalous optical properties of the mixed-valent lithium cuprate LiCu2O2Pisarev, R. V.; Moskvin, A. S.; Kalashnikova, A. M.; Bush, A. A.; Rasing, Th.
2021Anomalous Stochastic Transport of Particles with Self-Reinforcement and Mittag–Leffler Distributed Rest TimesHan, D.; Alexandrov, D. V.; Gavrilova, A.; Fedotov, S.
2019Anomalous Temperature Behavior of the Chiral Spin Helix in CrNb3 S6 Thin LamellaeTogawa, Y.; Kishine, J.; Nosov, P. A.; Koyama, T.; Paterson, G. W.; McVitie, S.; Kousaka, Y.; Akimitsu, J.; Ogata, M.; Ovchinnikov, A. S.
2010Anomalous Transport and Nonlinear Reactions in Spiny DendritesFedotov, S.; Al-Shamsi, H.; Ivanov, A.; Zubarev, A.
2019Anomalously low modulus of the interpenetrating-phase composite of Fe and Mg obtained by liquid metal dealloyingOkulov, I. V.; Geslin, P. -A.; Soldatov, I. V.; Ovri, H.; Joo, S. -H.; Kato, H.
2021Anomaly Detection in the Zwicky Transient Facility DR3Malanchev, K. L.; Pruzhinskaya, M. V.; Korolev, V. S.; Aleo, P. D.; Kornilov, M. V.; Ishida, E. E. O.; Krushinsky, V. V.; Mondon, F.; Sreejith, S.; Volnova, A. A.; Belinski, A. A.; Dodin, A. V.; Tatarnikov, A. M.; Zheltoukhov, S. G.
2014The anomaly P in palaearctic green frogs of the genus Pelophylax (Ranidae)Dubois, A.
2023Another shipment of six short-period giant planets from TESSRodriguez, J. E.; Quinn, S. N.; Vanderburg, A.; Zhou, G.; Eastman, J. D.; Thygesen, E.; Cale, B.; Ciardi, D. R.; Reed, P. A.; Oelkers, R. J.; Collins, K. A.; Bieryla, A.; Latham, D. W.; Gonzales, E. J.; Gaudi, B. S.; Hellier, C.; Jones, M. I.; Brahm, R.; Sokolovsky, K.; Schulte, J.; Srdoc, G.; Kielkopf, J.; Horta, F. G.; Massey, B.; Evans, P.; Stephens, D. C.; McLeod, K. K.; Chazov, N.; Krushinsky, V.; Ghachoui, M.; Safonov, B. S.; Dedrick, C. M.; Conti, D.; Laloum, D.; Giacalone, S.; Ziegler, C.; Serra, P. G.; Nogues, R. N.; Murgas, F.; Michaels, E. J.; Ricker, G. R.; Vanderspek, R. K.; Seager, S.; Winn, J. N.; Jenkins, J. M.; Addison, B.; Alfaro, O.; Anderson, D. R.; Aydi, E.; Beatty, T. G.; Bedding, T. R.; Belinski, A. A.; Benkhaldoun, Z.; Berlind, P.; Blake, C. H.; Bowen, M. J.; Bowler, B. P.; Boyle, A. W.; Branson, D.; Briceño, C.; Calkins, M. L.; Campbell, E.; Christiansen, J. L.; Chomiuk, L.; Collins, K. I.; Cornachione, M. A.; Daassou, A.; Dressing, C. D.; Esquerdo, G. A.; Feliz, D. L.; Fong, W.; Fukui, A.; Gan, T.; Gill, H.; Goliguzova, M. V.; Hansen, J.; Henning, T.; Hintz, E. G.; Hobson, M. J.; Horner, J.; Huang, C. X.; James, D. J.; Jensen, J. S.; Johnson, S. A.; Jordán, A.; Kane, S. R.; Barkaoui, K.; Kim, M. -J.; Kim, K.; Kuhn, R. B.; Law, N.; Lewin, P.; Liu, H. -G.; Lund, M. B.; Mann, A. W.; McCrady, N.; Mengel, M. W.; Mink, J.; Murphy, L. G.; Narita, N.; Newman, P.; Okumura, J.; Osborn, H. P.; Paegert, M.; Palle, E.; Pepper, J.; Plavchan, P.; Popov, A. A.; Rabus, M.; Ranshaw, J.; Rodriguez, J. A.; Roh, D. -G.; Reefe, M. A.; Savel, A. B.; Schwarz, R. P.; Shporer, A.; Siverd, R. J.; Sliski, D. H.; Stassun, K. G.; Stevens, D. J.; Soubkiou, A.; Ting, E. B.; Tinney, C. G.; Vowell, N.; Walton, P.; West, R. G.; Wilson, M. L.; Wittenmyer, R. A.; Wittrock, J. M.; Wolf, S.; Wright, J. T.; Zhang, H.; Zobel, E.
2021Answers to the Koinon Editorial Board Questions about Being-in-CommonОйлер, В. Л.; Euler, W. L.
2022Antecedents and consequences of fast-food restaurant customers' perception of price fairnessSingh, G.; Slack, N. J.; Sharma, S.; Aiyub, A. S.; Ferraris, A.