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Отображение результатов 5066 до 5085 из 122926 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2019Effect of irradiation and subsequent aging on the structure of a B-1461 alloy of the Al-Cu-Li-Zn system after megaplastic deformationGushchina, N. V.; Ovchinnikov, V. V.; Makhin'ko, F. F.; Kaigorodova, L. I.; Rasposienko, D. Y.
2021Effect of Irradiation with Heavy Xe22+ Ions with Energies of 165–230 MeV on Change in Optical Characteristics of ZrO2 CeramicIvanov, I. A.; Alin, M.; Koloberdin, M. V.; Sapar, A.; Kurakhmedov, A. E.; Kozlovskiy, A. L.; Zdorovets, M. V.; Uglov, V. V.
2022Effect of Irradiation with Low-Energy He2+ Ions on Degradation of Structural, Strength and Heat-Conducting Properties of BeO CeramicsZdorovets, M. V.; Shlimas, D. I.; Kozlovskiy, A. L.; Borgekov, D. B.
2020Effect of ischemic preconditioning and a Kv7 channel blocker on cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury in ratsCorydon, K. K.; Matchkov, V.; Fais, R.; Abramochkin, D.; Hedegaard, E. R.; Comerma-Steffensen, S.; Simonsen, U.
2019Effect of laser heat treatment on structure and wear resistance of cobalt stelliteFurman, E. L.; Usoltsev, E. A.; Bakhteev, I. S.; Furman, I. E.; Shak, A. V.
2021Effect of lattice strain on the electronic structure and magnetic correlations in infinite-layer (Nd,Sr)NiO2Leonov, I.
2022Effect of Li and Li-RE Co-Doping on Structure, Stability, Optical and Electrical Properties of Bismuth Magnesium Niobate PyrochloreKoroleva, M. S.; Krasnov, A. G.; Senyshyn, A.; Schökel, A.; Shein, I. R.; Vlasov, M. I.; Piir, I. V.
2020Effect of Li2O–Al2O3–GeO2–P2O5 glass crystallization on stability versus molten lithiumPershina, S. V.; Il'ina, E. A.; Druzhinin, K. V.; Farlenkov, A. S.
2019Effect oF Ligand's Nature on Chemical Deposition by Sodium Sulphate of Sodium thin CdSe FilmsPozdin, A. V.; Smirnova, D. D.; Maskaeva, L. N.; Markov, V. F.
мар-2021Effect of Lithium Borate Coating on the Electrochemical Properties of LiCoO2 Electrode for Lithium-Ion BatteriesZhuravlev, V. D.; Nefedova, K. V.; Evshchik, E. Yu.; Sherstobitova, E. A.; Kolmakov, V. G.; Dobrovolsky, Yu. A.; Porotnikova, N. M.; Korchun, A. V.; Shikhovtseva, A. V.
2017Effect of long-range structural corrugations on magnetotransport properties of phosphorene in tilted magnetic fieldMogulkoc, A.; Modarresi, M.; Rudenko, A. N.
2016Effect of Low Temperature Thermomechanical Treatment on the Phase Composition and Properties of a Two-Phase Titanium AlloyStepanov, S. I; Illarionov, A. G.; Demakov, S. L.; Stepanova, E. D.
2019Effect of magnetic field on high conductivity area at the interface of heterostructure Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3/LaMnO3Pavlov, D. P.; Garig’yanov, N. N.; Leontyev, A. V.; Zharkov, D. K.; Salikhov, T. M.; Kabanov, V. V.; Mamin, R. F.
2021Effect Of Magnetic Field On Rheological Properties Of Cellulose Ethers SolutionsSoliman, T. S.; Rusinova, E. V.; Vshivkov, S. A.
2018The effect of magnetic nanoparticle concentration on the structure organisation of a microferrogelRyzhkov, A. V.; Melenev, P. V.; Balasoiu, M.; Raikher, Yu L.
2013Effect of magnetism on the solution energy of 3p (Al, Si) and 4p (Ga, Ge) elements in ironPetrik, M. V.; Gorbatov, O. I.; Gornostyrev, Yu. N.
2020Effect of magnetophoresis and Brownian diffusion on mechanical processes in magnetic fluids: The role of a condensation phase transitionBashtovoi, V.; Reks, A.; Kuzhir, P.; Zubarev, A.; Volkova, O.; Moroz, V.
2020Effect of Mechanical Strain on the Optical Properties of Nodal-Line Semimetal ZrSiSZhou, W.; Rudenko, A. N.; Yuan, S.
2007Effect of melt composition on the reaction of uranium dioxide with hydrogen chloride in molten alkali chloridesVolkovich, V. A.; Polovov, I. B.; Vasin, B. D.; Griffiths, T. R.; Sharrad, C. A.; May, I.; Charnock, J. M.
2015The effect of modafinil on the rat dopamine transporter and dopamine receptors D1–D3 paralleling cognitive enhancement in the radial arm mazeKarabacak, Y.; Sase, S.; Aher, Y. D.; Sase, A.; Saroja, S. R.; Cicvaric, A.; Höger, H.; Berger, M.; Bakulev, V.; Sitte, H. H.; Leban, J.; Monje, F. J.; Lubec, G.