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Отображение результатов 2595 до 2614 из 122926 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2018Compositional variation of thin PZT films near morphotropic phase boundary: experiment and simulationPronin, I. P.; Kaptelov, E. Yu.; Senkevich, S. V.; Dolgintsev, D. M.; Pronin, V. P.; Volpyas, A. V.; Kozyrev, A. B.
2023Compositionally Disordered Ceramic (Gd,Y,Tb,Ce)3Al2Ga3O12 Phosphor for an Effective Conversion of Isotopes’ Ionizing Radiation to LightKorzhik, M. V.; Karpyuk, P. V.; Bondarau, A. G.; Lelecova, D. E.; Mechinsky, V. A.; Pustovarov, V.; Retivov, V.; Smyslova, V. G.; Tavrunov, D.; Yanushevich, D. N.
2020Composting Strategy for Developing Cities: A Case Study of Beira, MozambiqueGuirreri, D.; Silvestri, S.; Cristoforetti, A.; Rama, I.; Giurea, R.; Magaril, E.; Rada, E. C.
2016Comprehension within linguistic barriersHernandez, Synthia A. Cortes; Venegas, Elisheva López; Conde, Fransisco Gómez; Эрнандес, Синтия А. Кортес; Венегас, Элишева Лопес; Конде, Франсиско Гомес
2020Comprehensive Approach to Multi Comfort Urban Space Design in High-Density of Milan DevelopmentBurukhina, O. S.; Tsarkova, V. S.; Maltceva, I. N.
2021Comprehensive Disposal of Decommissioned VehiclesKuznetsova, E.; Parshina, V.; Markina, A.; Amosov, N.
2013Comprehensive estimation model of MERGE: adaptation to current state of world economyDigas, B. V.; Rozenberg, V. L.
2022A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Attenuation Characteristics of Some Sliding Bearing Alloys under 0.015–15 MeV Gamma-Ray ExposureAlgethami, M.; Ibraheem, A. A.; Issa, S. A. M.; Tekin, H. O.; Ene, A.; Pyshkina, M.; Rashad, M.; Almisned, G.; Zakaly, H. M. H.
2021Comprehensive Investigation of the Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education Students in Russia and Sri LankaБашир, А.; Basheer, A.
2023A comprehensive model of nitrogen-free ordered carbon quantum dotsBoukhvalov, D. W.; Osipov, V. Y.; Hogan, B. T.; Baldycheva, A.
2020Comprehensive Processing of Fine Metallurgical DustKovyazin, A. A.; Kochin, V. A.,; Timofeev, K. L.; Krayuhin, S. A.
2017Comprehensive Processing Technology of Slags of Phosphorus Industry to Produce Precipitated Silica and Rare-Earth ConcentrateBochevskaya, E. G.; Karshigina, Z. B.; Abisheva, Z. S.; Sargelova, E. A.; Sharipova, A. S.
2021A Comprehensive Review on Digital Twins for Smart Energy Management SystemLamagna, M.; Groppi, D.; Nezhad, M. M.; Piras, G.
2021Comprehensive Study of Changes in the Optical, Structural and Strength Properties of ZrO2 Ceramics as a Result of Phase Transformations Caused by Irradiation with Heavy IonsAlin, M.; Kozlovskiy, A. L.; Zdorovets, M. V.; Uglov, V. V.
2017Comprehensive Study of Ni Nanotubes for Bioapplications: From Synthesis to Payloads AttachingKozlovskiy, A. L.; Korolkov, I. V.; Kalkabay, G.; Ibragimova, M. A.; Ibrayeva, A. D.; Zdorovets, M. V.; Mikulich, V. S.; Yakimchuk, D. V.; Shumskaya, A. E.; Kaniukov, E. Yu.
2021Comprehensive Study of Speech and Personal Changes in the Process of LogopsychotherapyКарпова, Н. Л.; Глозман, Ж. М.; Данина, М. М.; Елистратова, Е. И.; Чебурашкин-Антипов, Д. Н.; Karpova, N. L.; Glozman, J. M.; Danina, M. M.; Elistratova, E. I.; Cheburashkin-Antipov, D. N.
2022A Comprehensive Study of Synthesis and Analysis of Anisotropic Iron Oxide and Oxyhydroxide NanoparticlesChernova, E.; Botvin, V.; Galstenkova, M.; Mukhortova, Y.; Wagner, D.; Gerasimov, E.; Surmeneva, M.; Kholkin, A.; Surmenev, R.
2019Comprehensive study of the magnetic phase transitions in Tb3Co combining thermal, magnetic and neutron diffraction measurementsHerrero, A.; Oleaga, A.; Gubkin, A. F.; Frontzek, M. D.; Salazar, A.; Baranov, N. V.
2024A Comprehensive Study of the Thermal Behavior of Rare Earth Chloride Hydrates: Resolving ContradictionsZakiryanova, I. D.; Korzun, I. V.; Vovkotrub, E. G.; Antonov, B. D.
2022Comprehensive Study on the Reinforcement of Electrospun PHB Scaffolds with Composite Magnetic Fe3O4-rGO Fillers: Structure, Physico-Mechanical Properties, and Piezoelectric ResponsePryadko, A. S.; Mukhortova, Y. R.; Chernozem, R. V.; Shlapakova, L. E.; Wagner, D. V.; Romanyuk, K.; Gerasimov, E. Y.; Kholkin, A.; Surmenev, R. A.; Surmeneva, M. A.