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Отображение результатов 1259 до 1278 из 122926 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2022Assessment of the Impact of Direct Taxes on Public Investment in Agriculture in NigeriaОмодеро, К. О.; Omodero, C. O.
2022Assessment of the Influence of Macroeconomic Shocks on Deposit Resources of Commercial Banks in the Russian Federation and the EU CountriesГринько, Е. Л.; Илюнина, Д. А.; Grinko, E. L.; Ilyunina, D. A.
2021Assessment of the irradiation exposure of pet film with swift heavy ions using the interference-free transmission UV-VIS transmission spectraTuleushev, A. Z.; Harrison, F. E.; Kozlovskiy, A. L.; Zdorovets, M. V.
2022Assessment of the Leontiev Productive Matrix of the Economic Development Model for Tyumen Region (Russia)Tsibulsky, V. R.; Vazhenina, L. V.; Soloviev, I. G.; Govorkov, D. A.; Novikov, V. N.; Цибульский, В. Р.; Важенина, Л. В.; Соловьев, И. Г.; Говорков, Д. А.; Новиков, В. Н.; 齐布尔斯基, 弗拉基米尔·罗曼诺维; 瓦热尼娜, 拉里萨·维塔利耶夫娜; 索洛维约夫, ·伊利亚·格奥尔基耶维奇; 戈沃尔科夫, 丹尼斯·亚历山德罗维奇; 诺维科夫, 维克托·彼得罗维奇
2023Assessment of the level and structure of stress in tax revenues of the federal and regional budgetsMalkina, M. Yu.; Balakin, R. V.; Малкина, М. Ю.; Балакин, Р. В.; 马尔基娜; 巴拉金
2021Assessment of the Macro-and Microelement Composition of Fly Ash from 50-Year-Old Ash Dumps in the Middle Urals (Russia)Dergacheva, M.; Trunova, V.; Nekrasova, O.; Siromlya, T.; Uchaev, A.; Bazhina, N.; Radchenko, T.; Betekhtina, A.
2022Assessment of the performance of solar water heater: an experimental and theoretical investigationAlwan, N. T.; Majeed, M. H.; Khudhur, I. M.; Shcheklein, S. E.; Ali, O. M.; Yaqoob, S. J.; Alayi, R.
2023Assessment of the potential radiation hazards posed by Nubian sandstone, EgyptGawad, A. E. A.; Eliwa, H.; Masoud, M. S.; Khandaker, M. U.; Hanfi, M. Y.
2022Assessment of the Psychological Well-Being of Russian Youth With the PERMA-ProfilerVolkova, E. N.; Akimova, A. Yu.; Isaeva, O. M.
2019Assessment of the reliability of the locomotive based on statistical methods of quality managementKazantseva, N. K.; Kharlamov, E. P.; Tkachuk, G. A.; Kazantseva, T. V.
2024Assessment of the role of digital marketing platforms for enhancing the marketing sustainability of agribusiness SMES in Russia and NigeriaOnwusiribe, Ndubuisi Chigozirim
2010Assessment of the shadow economy development tendencies in the Sverdlovsk regionAgarkov, G. А.; Naidyonov, A. S.; Chusova, А. Е.
2022Assessment of the socio-economic performance of vulnerable and depressed territories in KazakhstanKireyeva, A. A.; Nurlanova, N. K.; Kredina, A.; Киреева, А.; Нурланова, Н.; Кредина, А.; 基列娃, ·阿内尔·艾哈迈托夫娜; 努尔兰诺娃, 奈莉亚·卡佩诺夫娜; 克雷迪娜, 安娜·亚历山德罗芙娜
2023Assessment of the stress level during the retelling of the English text by students majoring in Linguistics and in ScienceTylipman, E. E.; Katysheva, S. O.; Pobedash, Dm. I.; Alexeeva, A. S.; Тылипман, Е. Е.; Катышева, С. О.; Победаш, Д. И.; Алексеева, А. С.
2022Assessment of the usability conditions of Sb2O3-PbO-B2O3 glasses for shielding purposes in some medical radioisotope and a wide gamma-ray energy spectrumALMisned, G.; Sen, Baykal, D.; Kilic, G.; Susoy, G.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Ene, A.; Tekin, H. O.
2024Assessment of Women’s Access to Resources in Rural Areas of KazakhstanKireyeva, A. A.; Nurbatsin, A.; Kenzhegulova, G. K.; Киреева, А. А.; Нурбацин, А. С.; Кен, Г. Х.; 基里耶娃; 努尔巴辛; 肯哲古洛娃
2022Assessment on facile Diels–Alder approach of α-pyrone and terpenoquinone for the expedient synthesis of various natural scaffoldsRammohan, A.; Khasanov, A. F.; Kopchuk, D. S.; Gunasekar, D.; Zyryanov, G. V.; Chupakhin, O. N.
2023Assessment the health Risks of Radionuclides 238U, 232Th and 40K that influencing on Wheat: Case study in Al- Qadisiyah, IraqKadhim, A. Y.; Al-Ghrabi, M. G.; Alsafi, H. M.
2019Asset management in grid companies using integrated diagnostic devicesGitelman, L. D.; Kozhevnikov, M. V.; Kaplin, D. D.
2019Asset Management in Grid Companies Using Integrated Diagnostic DevicesGitelman, L. D.; Kozhevnikov, M. V.; Kaplin, D. D.