Просмотр коллекции по группе - По тематике COBALT COMPOUNDS

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Отображение результатов 6 до 23 из 23 < назад 
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2019Design of materials for solid oxide fuel cells cathodes and oxygen separation membranes based on fundamental studies of their oxygen mobility and surface reactivitySadykov, V.; Sadovskaya, E.; Eremeev, N.; Pikalova, E.; Bogdanovich, N.; Filonova, E.; Fedorova, Y.; Krasnov, A.; Skriabin, P.; Lukashevich, A.
2014Effect of Eu doping and partial oxygen isotope substitution on magnetic phase transitions in (Pr1 - Y Eu y )0.7Ca 0.3CoO3 cobaltitesBabushkina, N. A.; Taldenkov, A. N.; Streltsov, S. V.; Kalinov, A. V.; Kuzmova, T. G.; Kamenev, A. A.; Kaul, A. R.; Khomskii, D. I.; Kugel, K. I.
2013Electrochemical characteristics, thermal and chemical compatibility in the La0.7Sr0.3CoO3 electrode-γ-BIFEVOX electrolyte systemBuyanova, E. S.; Shafigina, R. R.; Morozova, M. V.; Emel'yanova, Yu. V.; Khisametdinova, V. V.; Zhukovskii, V. M.; Petrova, S. A.; Tarakina, N. V.
2020Emergence of quantum critical charge and spin-state fluctuations near the pressure-induced Mott transition in MnO, FeO, CoO, and NiOLeonov, I.; Shorikov, A. O.; Anisimov, V. I.; Abrikosov, I. A.
2021Enhancement of Gamma-Ray Shielding Properties in Cobalt-Doped Heavy Metal Borate Glasses: The Role of Lanthanum Oxide ReinforcementAlmisned, G.; Elshami, W.; Issa, S. A. M.; Susoy, G.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Algethami, M.; Rammah, Y. S.; Ene, A.; Al-Ghamdi, S. A.; Ibraheem, A. A.; Tekin, H. O.
2016Exceptional Layered Ordering of Cobalt and Iron in PerovskitesLebedev, O. I.; Turner, S.; Caignaert, V.; Cherepanov, V. A.; Raveau, B.
2013Identification of surface composition and chemical states in composites comprised of phases with fluorite and perovskite structures by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopyKonysheva, E. Y.; Francis, S. M.
2021The Influence of CoO/P2O5 Substitutions on the Structural, Mechanical, and Radiation Shielding of Boro-Phosphate GlassesMostafa, A. M. A.; Uosif, M. A. M.; Alrowaili, Z. A.; Elsaman, R.; Showahy, A. A.; Saddeek, Y. B.; Issa, S. A. M.; Ene, A.; Zakaly, H. M. H.
2021Lattice dynamics and spontaneous magnetodielectric effect in ilmenite CoTiO3Dubrovin, R. M.; Siverin, N. V.; Prosnikov, M. A.; Chernyshev, V. A.; Novikova, N. N.; Christianen, P. C. M.; Balbashov, A. M.; Pisarev, R. V.
2023Magnetic phase diagram and possible Kitaev-like behavior of the honeycomb-lattice antimonate Na3Co2SbO6Vavilova, E.; Vasilchikova, T.; Vasiliev, A.; Mikhailova, D.; Nalbandyan, V.; Zvereva, E.; Streltsov, S. V.
2019Magnetic properties of RCoO3 cobaltites (R = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu). Effects of hydrostatic and chemical pressurePanfilov, A. S.; Grechnev, G. E.; Lyogenkaya, A. A.; Pashchenko, V. A.; Zhuravleva, I. P.; Vasylechko, L. O.; Hreb, V. M.; Turchenko, V. A.; Novoselov, D.
2020Magnetoimpedance and stress-impedance effects in amorphous CoFeSiB ribbons at elevated temperaturesBukreev, D. A.; Derevyanko, M. S.; Moiseev, A. A.; Semirov, A. V.; Savin, P. A.; Kurlyandskaya, G. V.
2019Manifold of spin states and dynamical temperature effects in LaCoO3: Experimental and theoretical insightsFeygenson, M.; Novoselov, D.; Pascarelli, S.; Chernikov, R.; Zaharko, O.; Porcher, F.; Karpinsky, D.; Nikitin, A.; Prabhakaran, D.; Sazonov, A.; Sikolenko, V.
2014Oxygen tracer diffusion and surface exchange kinetics in Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3 - δBerenov, A.; Atkinson, A.; Kilner, J.; Ananyev, M.; Eremin, V.; Porotnikova, N.; Farlenkov, A.; Kurumchin, E.; Bouwmeester, H. J. M.; Bucher, E.; Sitte, W.
2019PrBaCo 2 O 6−δ -Ce 0.8 Sm 0.2 O 1.9 composite cathodes for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells: Stability and cation interdiffusionTsvetkov, D.; Tsvetkova, N.; Ivanov, I.; Malyshkin, D.; Sereda, V.; Zuev, A.
2017Preparation and characterization of metastable trigonal layered MSb2O6 phases (M = Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Mg) and considerations on FeSb2O6Nikulin, A. Y.; Zvereva, E. A.; Nalbandyan, V. B.; Shukaev, I. L.; Kurbakov, A. I.; Kuchugura, M. D.; Raganyan, G. V.; Popov, Y. V.; Ivanchenko, V. D.; Vasiliev, A. N.
2022The Study of the Distribution of Electrical and Magnetic Properties over the Conductor Cross-Section Using Magnetoimpedance Tomography: Modeling and ExperimentBukreev, D. A.; Derevyanko, M. S.; Moiseev, A. A.; Svalov, A. V.; Semirov, A. V.
2019Theoretical and experimental study of high-pressure synthesized B20-type compounds Mn1-x(Co,Rh)xGeChtchelkatchev, N. M.; Magnitskaya, M. V.; Sidorov, V. A.; Fomicheva, L. N.; Petrova, A. E.; Tsvyashchenko, A. V.