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Отображение результатов 7 до 26 из 192 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2023Hermeneutic Approach in TranslationShevchuk, V. K.; Kindler, E. A.; Шевчук, В. К.; Киндлер, Е. А.
2018The influence of cultural differences on the effectiveness of advertisingБукрина, Д. Э.
2018Leaf Mesophyll Structure and Photosynthetic Activity in Calla palustris L. from Natural Habitats with Different Level of Technogenic PollutionMaleva, M. G.; Sinenko, O. S.; Chukina, N. V.; Shyryaev, G. I.; Borisova, G. G.; Kiseleva, I. S.
2019Leaf traits of C3- and C4-plants indicating climatic adaptation along a latitudinal gradient in Southern Siberia and MongoliaIvanova, L. A.; Ivanov, L. A.; Ronzhina, D. A.; Yudina, P. K.; Migalina, S. V.; Shinehuu, T.; Tserenkhand, G.; Voronin, P. Y.; Anenkhonov, O. A.; Bazha, S. N.; Gunin, P. D.
2020Neurocognitive functions as an indicator of subjective adaptation to involutionary processesDorogina, O. I.; Khlystova, E. V.; Burmistrova, J. V.
2022Les noms de la Russie en roumain prémoderne : problèmes de traductionGînsac, A.-M.; Moscal, D.; Ungureanu, M.
2021The Origins and Spread of Domestic Horses from the Western Eurasian SteppesLibrado, P.; Khan, N.; Fages, A.; Kusliy, M. A.; Suchan, T.; Tonasso-Calvière, L.; Schiavinato, S.; Alioglu, D.; Fromentier, A.; Perdereau, A.; Aury, J. -M.; Gaunitz, C.; Chauvey, L.; Seguin-Orlando, A.; Der Sarkissian, C.; Southon, J.; Shapiro, B.; Tishkin, A. A.; Kovalev, A. A.; Alquraishi, S.; Alfarhan, A. H.; Al-Rasheid, K. A. S.; Seregély, T.; Klassen, L.; Iversen, R.; Bignon-Lau, O.; Bodu, P.; Olive, M.; Castel, J. -C.; Boudadi-Maligne, M.; Alvarez, N.; Germonpré, M.; Moskal-del Hoyo, M.; Wilczyński, J.; Pospuła, S.; Lasota-Kuś, A.; Tunia, K.; Nowak, M.; Rannamäe, E.; Saarma, U.; Boeskorov, G.; Lōugas, L.; Kyselý, R.; Peške, L.; Bălășescu, A.; Dumitrașcu, V.; Dobrescu, R.; Gerber, D.; Kiss, V.; Szécsényi-Nagy, A.; Mende, B. G.; Gallina, Z.; Somogyi, K.; Kulcsár, G.; Gál, E.; Bendrey, R.; Allentoft, M. E.; Sirbu, G.; Dergachev, V.; Shephard, H.; Tomadini, N.; Grouard, S.; Kasparov, A.; Basilyan, A. E.; Anisimov, M. A.; Nikolskiy, P. A.; Pavlova, E. Y.; Pitulko, V.; Brem, G.; Wallner, B.; Schwall, C.; Keller, M.; Kitagawa, K.; Bessudnov, A. N.; Bessudnov, A.; Taylor, W.; Magail, J.; Gantulga, J. -O.; Bayarsaikhan, J.; Erdenebaatar, D.; Tabaldiev, K.; Mijiddorj, E.; Boldgiv, B.; Tsagaan, T.; Pruvost, M.; Olsen, S.; Makarewicz, C. A.; Valenzuela Lamas, S.; Albizuri Canadell, S.; Nieto Espinet, A.; Iborra, M. P.; Lira Garrido, J.; Rodríguez González, E.; Celestino, S.; Olària, C.; Arsuaga, J. L.; Kotova, N.; Pryor, A.; Crabtree, P.; Zhumatayev, R.; Toleubaev, A.; Morgunova, N. L.; Kuznetsova, T.; Lordkipanize, D.; Marzullo, M.; Prato, O.; Bagnasco Gianni, G.; Tecchiati, U.; Clavel, B.; Lepetz, S.; Davoudi, H.; Mashkour, M.; Berezina, N. Y.; Stockhammer, P. W.; Krause, J.; Haak, W.; Morales-Muñiz, A.; Benecke, N.; Hofreiter, M.; Ludwig, A.; Graphodatsky, A. S.; Peters, J.; Kiryushin, K. Y.; Iderkhangai, T. -O.; Bokovenko, N. A.; Vasiliev, S. K.; Seregin, N. N.; Chugunov, K. V.; Plasteeva, N. A.; Baryshnikov, G. F.; Petrova, E.; Sablin, M.; Ananyevskaya, E.; Logvin, A.; Shevnina, I.; Logvin, V.; Kalieva, S.; Loman, V.; Kukushkin, I.; Merz, I.; Merz, V.; Sakenov, S.; Varfolomeyev, V.; Usmanova, E.; Zaibert, V.; Arbuckle, B.; Belinskiy, A. B.; Kalmykov, A.; Reinhold, S.; Hansen, S.; Yudin, A. I.; Vybornov, A. A.; Epimakhov, A.; Berezina, N. S.; Roslyakova, N.; Kosintsev, P. A.; Kuznetsov, P. F.; Anthony, D.; Kroonen, G. J.; Kristiansen, K.; Wincker, P.; Outram, A.; Orlando, L.
2019People with disabilities: adaptation to the social environmentBobyleva, E. V.; Бобылева, Е. В.
2020Phylogeography and population history of the least weasel (Mustela nivalis) in the Palearctic based on multilocus analysisSato, T.; Abramov, A. V.; Raichev, E. G.; Kosintsev, P. A.; Väinölä, R.; Murakami, T.; Kaneko, Y.; Masuda, R.
2022Poetics of V. F. Odoevsky's Novel Russian Nights: the Intermedial AspectKachkov, I. А.
2020The Potential of Literary Translation in Intercultural Communication: Ota Pavel’s Short Stories for the Russian ReaderCherepanova, A.
2015Problems of social adaptation of international students in RussiaMerenkov, A.; Antonova, N.
2019Psychological difficulties in adaptation of the international students in the Ural Federal UniversityPogodayeva, D. A.; Bozhko, E. M.; Погодаева, Д. А.; Божко, Е. М.
2020A psychometric study of the bayley scales of infant and toddler development – third edition in the russian federationPavlova, P. A.; Bakushkina, N. I.; Suleymanova, E. V.; Pavlova, N. V.; Lavrova, M. A.; Tuktareva, I. V.; Chegodaev, D. A.; Lvova, O. A.; Maksimov, D. M.
2018Representation of Western and Eastern Culture in Hayao Miyazaki AnimationKuzmina, E. V.
2021Social and Managerial Aspects of Using Digital Health TechnologiesYudin, V. I.
2013Sociodemographic aspect of society evolutionNiftanova, R. V.; Kozhevnikov, K. I.
2024Staff turnover in fast food establishmentsСпиридонова, Е. А.; Борчанинова, И. П.; Spiridonova, Ekaterina A.; Borchaninova, Irina P.
2019The Study of the Applicability of the Principles of the American Advertising School in the Russian Society (Based on Expert Opinion)Bukrina, D.; Букрина, Д. Э.
2022Technologies of Cooperation as a Tool in Working With Young Specialists Educational OrganizationsGlazkova, V. D.; Глазкова, В. Д.